Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  


Moussa Camara, Mamoudou Touré, Haba Siba, Mahamat Batran Mouta, Ousmane Fanta Camara1and Moustapha Thiame

In this work, thanks to 3D modelling, we were able to express the effective broadcast length as a function of dimensions (x, y) of crystal, loss rate at the limits of x and y, temperature and magnetic field, based on the distribution of carriers in the base volume, obtained from the minority carrier continuity equation. The effective broadcast length and short circuit current were calculated as a function of grain size, magnetic field and temperature. It was found that the short-circuit current is independent of the effective broadcast length but also on the grain size, magnetic field and temperature. This shows that the electrical parameters cannot be extrapolated to larger effective broadcast lengths since it is limited for a given optimal temperature, magnetic field and grain size. Also, a small effective broadcast length can be due to a small carrier scattering length, a small grain size, a high temperature or a high magnetic field.


This paper attempts to show the effect of the culture of the coopetitors on the two components of coopetition, between VSEs. Our methodology is quantitative exploratory based on data from a questionnaire administered to 652 drivers of eleven nationalities. Correspondence factor analysis and moderation and mediation tests were used to process the data. The exploration indicates that individualistic national and transnational cultures influence the structure of coopetition. The tests specify these influences. Indeed, the individualistic transnational culture of the actors has a negative moderating effect and a confounding effect on competitive coopetition. In addition, it negatively moderates balanced coopetition. Individualistic national culture has a positive moderating effect and an inconsistent mediating effect on competitive coopetition. The theoretical contribution of this research makes it possible to specify the cultural influences of the actors on the tensions between cooperation and competition in the dynamics of coopetition. Taking into account the cultural dimension and its influences makes it possible to theoretically specify the dosage between the components of coopetition. This consideration will allow managers to position themselves in their business relations on a national and/or transnational scale, to take advantage of this dynamic.

Ch. Atchyutha Rao and Bujji Babu, N.

In this work, Enhanced Luminescence properties of Eu3+doped Sr2CeO4 phosphor were prepared by Conventional Solid State Reaction (SSR) method. The obtained phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Photoluminescence (PL) and The Commission International de l’Eclairage co-ordinates (CIE). XRD reveals that except Sr2CeO4, no other phase exists in the XRD spectra. SEM image is exhibits the grains like morphology with different sizes and shapes. PL emission spectrum of un-doped Sr2CeO4 phosphor shows broad emission from 350 – 650nm. This broad band is due to f→t1g transition of Ce4+. The emission spectra of Eu3+doped Sr2CeO4 phosphor with(0.5mol%) with citric acid(C6H8O7) as flux shows peaks at 467, 491, 512, 537,557, 585, 590, 601, 611 and 616nm under 254 & 270nm excitation. The CIE co-ordinates were calculated by the Spectrophotometric method using the spectral energy distribution of un-doped Sr2CeO4 and Eu3+doped Sr2CeO4phosphor with (0.5mol %) were analysized.

Maxwell Afabla Akanpee; Wisdom Harrison Kofi Hordzi and Gabriel Obeng Boatey

Despite the fact that Moringaoleifera extracts can enhance plant growth, improve yield, and increase resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses its effects on tomato plant growth have not been extensively researched. Hence, this study sought to investigate the potential of Moringaoleiferaextracts as aherbal growth agent of tomato plants. The study was conducted in Cape Coast. Three concentrations of Moringa leaf, bark and root were used as experimental set up whereas water was used as control. Plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and number of stem branches were determined. Means were compared by using two way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Leaf extract influenced the highest plant height (13. 99±0.15) followed by root (13.86±0.1), bark (13.33±0.13) and the control (9.25±0.76). The differences among the treatment means were statistically significant (F =29.40974; P<0.05). Though, all the Moringa extracts promoted longer leaf length, the differences among the treatment means were not statistically significant (p>0.05). The indication is that Moringa leaf, root and bark extracts promise to be tomato plant vegetative growth promoters. However, there is the need to undertake confirmation studies and to determine the exact content of the Moringa plant that does the promotion of tomato plant parts.

Domenick M. Mortella, Kathlyn Keith Valencia, Joshua Salavaria, and Nora C. Cabaral-Lasaca

Azolla, a protein-rich aquatic fern, plays a vital role in goat nutrition due to its high digestibility and nutritional value and were utilized as a dietary protein source on the digestibility, milk yield, and milk quality of lactating upgraded goats. A 20 weeks (140 days) feeding trial with a 2 weeks acclimatization period was conducted using 16, first parity lactating 50% Anglo-Nubian x 50% Native goats in a Randomized Completely Block Design. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and significant differences among treatments were determined using Tukey’s Test at 5% level of significance. findings show that the final body weight of goats fed with formulation 4 (15% azolla) had significantly higher (p<0.05) final body weight of 31.75 kg compared to goats fed with formulation 1 (0% azolla) with 27.85 kg, but were comparable (p>0.05) to goats fed with formulation 3 (10% azolla) and formulation 2 (5% azolla) of 31.50 kg. Digestibility of feed and legumes was significantly higher (p<0.05) in goats fed with 5% azolla (90.76% and 77.06%, respectively) compared to the control, but comparable to those fed with 10% and 15% azolla. Milk analysis showed that the milk of goats fed with formulation 2 (5% azolla) had significantly higher (p<0.05) milk fat of 8.10 g/kg, protein of 4.80 g/kg, ash of 0.90 g/kg, Calcium of 204 mg/kg and 164 μg/kg compared to the milk quality of upgraded goats fed with other formulations. Additionally, goats fed with 5% azolla had the highest milk yield (696 ml/day) and profitability, with a net income of 788.85 and a return on investment of 18.80%. These findings suggest that incorporating 5% azolla in goat feed enhances growth performance, digestibility, and profitability, making it a viable strategy for improving goat production and income for farmers.

Mohd Avaish Khan, Aniket Gupta and Srivaramangai R

HID attacks have gradually made up as one of the major cyberspace threats that currently exist as far as current exploitations by decent operating systems are concerned, intended only for trusting USB devices. The attacks included the use of compromised USB devices for payload delivery using applications such as BadUSB and Rubber Ducky in commands to avoid security mechanisms and gain unauthorized access to the system's mechanisms. This survey paper reviews comprehensive literature related to HID attacks, covering various attack techniques, detection methods, and mitigation strategies proposed by different researchers. It has been found that most traditional security solutions such as antivirus applications and endpoint protection solutions fail to identify any HID-based threats as these execute at the hardware level. Many research efforts were made toward developing machine learning-based detection mechanisms, cryptographic authentication, and solutions to develop the hardware security subsystem to fight against such attacks. However, the attackers always change their tactics, so there must be a strategy of multi-layered defense consisting of appropriate real-time monitoring, enforcement of policies, and user awareness training. It also discusses several gaps that nations still have in HID attack mitigation and most importantly, future work in adaptive and proactive security measures research.

Nombamba Ouéda, Koffi Essewata Bawa, Ibrahim Tchakala, Moctar Limam Bawa

Cette étude explore l'impact des eaux usées sur la pollution des nappes phréatiques susceptible à la contamination des sources d’eau de boisson. Une étude impliquant une enquête auprès des ménages et des analyses physico-chimiques et microbiologiques des eau de puits, de forages et des eaux uses selon l’Association Française de Normalisation. Les résultats montrent que 68,01% des ménages s'approvisionnent en eau de forage et de de puits. L'analyse des échantillons d’eaux de puits, de forage et des eaux usées révèle plusieurs anomalies dans la qualité de l'eau sur le plan physico-chimique en particulier la conductivité (>1000 µS/cm), le pH, la concentration de solides dissous (1500 mg/L), le manganèse et les chlorures (> 250 mg/L), comparés aux normes de l'OMS. Les rapports DCO/DBO des trois échantillons d’eau usées sont supérieurs à 0,5 indiquant que les eaux usées contiennent une proportion importante de composés difficilement biodégradables. Tous les échantillons sont non conformes aux normes pour les flores anaérobies mésophiles le forage F2, les coliformes totaux et thermotolérants et les streptocoques fécaux. Seuls les anaérobies sulfito-réducteurs et les Escherichia coli respectent les normes. Ces eaux sont alors non satisfaisantes pour la consommation et doivent être assujetties aux techniques appropriées de traitement de l'eau.

Keerthana, C. and Dr. Suja Suresh

The aim of this study is to assess the level of knowledge regarding government schemes available for geriatrics among elderly individuals residing in rural areas. The objective of the study was To assess the level of knowledge about geriatric government scheme among rural dwelling geriatrics at Trichy district, To find the association of knowledge score among rural dwelling geriatrics regarding geriatric government schemes with their selected demographic variables. The descriptive research design was adopted this study.50 geriatrics were selected by using Non probability convenient sampling technique. The level of knowledge was assessed by using self-structured knowledge questionnaires. Results shows thatKnowledge regarding geriatric government scheme among 50 geriatrics 2 (4%) of them had inadequate knowledge, 38 (76 %) of them hadmoderateknowledgeand 10(20%) of them had adequate knowledge regardinggeriatric scheme. The study concluded that the most of the geriatrics has moderate knowledge regarding geriatrics government schemes. There was no significant association between knowledge and demographics variables among dwelling geriatrics.

Juan Saldivar-Villarroel and Raymunda Verónica Cruz-Martínez

Las estrategias de aprendizaje desempeñaron un rol fundamental en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora, particularmente en el ámbito universitario, lo que motivó la investigación de su influencia en estudiantes ingresantes. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre las estrategias de aprendizaje y la comprensión lectora en estudiantes que recién iniciaban su formación en la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño descriptivo correlacional de alcance transeccional. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 84 estudiantes, a quienes se les aplicaron instrumentos específicos para evaluar ambas variables. Los resultados evidenciaron una relación positiva entre el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje y los niveles de comprensión lectora, lo que indicó que un empleo más eficaz de dichas estrategias estuvo vinculado con un mejor rendimiento en lectura. Se concluyo que el empleo más eficiente de las estrategias de aprendizaje estuvo relacionado con un incremento en los niveles de comprensión lectora, lo que confirmó una asociación directa y positiva entre ambas variables.

AMBETO Aimé Simplice Christophe, FERNANDES BALOU Gabin, MANDOUMOU Paulin, MABASSA David Sylvain, ITOUA OKEMBA Jean and EWAMELA Aristide

The student's motor engagement reflects his personal investment in achieving a goal that he has set for himself, or that has been assigned to him. The motor task is the main lever allowing the teacher to mobilize the student's resources, motivate him and promote his progress. This study is based on the theories of self-determination and contextual motivation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the practice time of middle school students during their engagement in motor tasks, to compare the motor investment between girls and boys in scheduled physical and sports activity and to analyze the impact of motor tasks on their engagement. The methodology is based on systematic observations made among students at Bernadette Bayonne in Brazzaville.The results show that the actual time devoted to the motor task represents on average 23.34% of the official time of the main part of the lessons. This investment depends directly on the quality and richness of the tasks proposed. Furthermore, the analysis shows that girls and boys present identical levels of engagement, contradicting gender stereotypes in PE.

Dr. Seema Tripathi

This Naturopathy is a form of healthcare that combines modern treatment with traditional methods. It includes alternative, natural therapies to modern medicine. Naturopathy, is a system that uses natural substances to treat the patient. It also considers the environmental factors involved which on the whole disturbs the normal functioning of the body. The techniques of naturopathy are a blend of modern and traditional methods. Naturopathic treatment includes diet and clinical nutrition, homeopathy, physical medicine, pharmaceuticals and minor surgery. Naturopathic treatments are administered in accordance with the nature and gravity of the disease. Naturopathy benefits are used to treat a variety of condition including allergies, arthritis, depression etc. Naturopathic Medicine, or Naturopathy, is a system that uses natural substances to treat the patient and recognition that the patient’s mental, emotional, and physical states must all be treated for a lasting effect. Naturopathic treatments helped control problems that follow operations. For example, acupuncture and acupressure can reduce symptoms of vomiting and nausea. Aromatherapy and music may also reduce pain, stress, and anxiety. Naturopaths work on a more personal level, spending more time covering individual needs. They create treatment plans that consider all aspects of a person. Naturopathy can be useful alongside modern medicine, and many say these methods allow the body to activate self-healing mechanisms. Naturopathic healthcare can also be a cheaperTrusted Source alternative to conventional healthcare.Naturopathy includes nutrition, hydrotherapy, fasting therapy, yoga, behavioural therapy, and health promotion. It integrates the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of human being and has the capacity to prevent and in some cases also cure the diseases. The system needs to promote its benefits to the public to attract them towards it.

Amine Karifene, Podo Mahamat Matar, Mackaye Hassan Taϊsso, Mamadou Malloum Ahmat and Mahamat Ali Ateib

This work deals with the potential of radar and optical imagery in mapping favorable sites for gold and uranium prospecting in the departments of Abtouyour and Guéra. The objective of this work is to identify potential sites for gold and uranium prospecting. Landsat 9 images, Aster images and Palsar images were used as input data. The lineaments of the study area were extracted from the Palsar images and subsequently validated by geophysical data. The iron oxide index (IOF), clay mineral index (IMA), Relative Band Depth 1, 2 and 3 parameters made it possible to extract hydrothermal alteration minerals and iron oxides. Alteration minerals and iron oxides were extracted by segmentation. Then the lineament density was generated using the lineament file. Favorable sites for gold and uranium prospecting are identified based on a multi-criteria analysis combining the different alteration minerals, iron oxides and lineament density. The results obtained highlight favorable sites located in the far south, far north and central part of the province. Field studies allowed the samples to be collected and analyzed. It was also found that these sites obtained coincide with the artisanal gold mining areas.

Dr. Ambreen Rashid

This Chronic liver disease refers to a progressive condition affecting liver function due to factors like fatty liver, infections, or toxin exposure, often leading to inflammation and fibrosis. A 24-year-old male came to Dr Batra’s Panchkula clinic with grade 1 fatty liver and a 4-year history of elevated liver enzymes sought homeopathic treatment. Within just one month of homeopathic intervention, his liver function tests normalized, highlighting the potential of a holistic approach to manage CLD effectively while improving overall health and immunity.

Nnamso D. Ibuotenang, Peter O. Adigun, Solomon E. Shaibu, Utibe A. Ofon, Opeyemi K. Fatunla, Oladoja A. Awofisayo

Wetlands pharmaceutical contamination in drinking water has emerged as a critical global challenge, posing significant risks to human health and aquatic ecosystems. Pharmaceuticals enter water sources through household waste, agricultural runoff, and industrial discharges, persisting due to their chemical stability and resistance to conventional treatment methods. The presence of these contaminants contributes to antimicrobial resistance, endocrine disruption, and bioaccumulation, raising concerns about long-term health effects, including reproductive and metabolic disorders. This review comprehensively examines the pathways of pharmaceutical contamination, the associated human health risks, and the environmental consequences. Advanced detection techniques, such as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, enable precise monitoring of pharmaceutical residues, while treatment technologies, including advanced oxidation processes, membrane filtration, and activated carbon adsorption, are evaluated for their efficacy in mitigating contamination. The study also highlights critical regulatory gaps, particularly in developing regions, where pharmaceutical pollution levels often exceed global averages. To address these challenges, an integrated approach combining public education, policy reforms, and sustainable pharmaceutical practices is recommended. Strengthening wastewater treatment infrastructure, enforcing stricter regulations, and promoting green chemistry principles in pharmaceutical manufacturing are essential steps toward mitigating contamination at its source. This review provides actionable insights to guide future research, regulatory frameworks, and technological advancements in safeguarding global water resources and public health.

BANCE Victor, KABORE Idrissa, Daouda NAKENA, ZONGO Lionel Regis and OUEDA Adama

Wetlands are rare ecosystems in arid tropical regions, playing multiple ecological roles and providing multiple ecosystem services. Unfortunately, these ecosystems are increasingly subject to strong anthropogenic pressures resulting from high population growth and the effects of climate variability. A good knowledge of the biodiversity of these ecosystems is essential for their sustainable management, as it is both the source and the product of their proper functioning. Macroinvertebrates are one of the most important links in the animal biodiversity of wetlands. However, knowledge of macroinvertebrates in the Bangr-Wéoogo urban park remains limited. This study aims to analyze the diversity of macroinvertebrates in the Bangr-Weoogo urban park, key players in the biological balance and food web of wetlands. To this end, macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly between March and June 2023, using the multihabitat sampling method and a standard AQEM/STAR net sampler with 25 cm × 25 cm opening and 500 µm mesh. Samples were stored in flasks with ethanol (90%). In the laboratory, specimens were sorted with entomological forceps and identified under a magnifying glass, using taxonomic manuals. A total of 21 macroinvertebrate families have been identified, comprising insects, molluscs and crustaceans. Insects are the most abundant and diverse. Taxa known to be sensitive to pollution, such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, are poorly represented, while molluscs are proportionally dominant. This could indicate the onset of eutrophication. These results show that the park's ecological integrity is under threat. Managers must take urgent action to remedy this degradation of the Bangr-Wéogo Urban Park.

Nombamba OUEDA, Sabine W.M.F., DOAMBA and Alexandre COULIBALY

Agriculture in Burkina Faso faces a number of difficulties, including climatic constraints and poor soil conditions. Added to this is the high cost of chemical fertilizers. However, effluents such as pig slurry are multiple sources of plant nutrients, and would enable more eco-responsible management of these dejecta. The study was conducted over two consecutive years at the FarakoBâ experimental station in Burkina Faso. The experimental set-up is a completely randomized fisher block. Four treatments of pig slurry was applied in varying doses, and four other treatments in which, in addition to pig slurry, mineral fertilizer was applied at differents doses. The results of the study revealed inter-annual variation in grain and dry matter yields. Grain yield varied from 4.4t.h-1 in the first year of study to 2.82 4t.h-1 in the second year of experimentation. The results of the study showed an improvement in grain and dry matter yields in treatments combining 5 ton of pig slurry with 100% of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizer. Yields reached 5.49 t.h-1. Concerning soil physico-chemical parameters, C/N values were around 10.89 in treatments with slurry inputs. On the other hand, this ratio was reached in the soil samples taken before the crop was planted. Assimilable phosphorus values improved with the addition of slurry.

Laxmi Yadav

This paper analyses why traditional market models, such as perfect competition,monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and duopoly, are not suitableforthe dynamics of digital business platforms. While these models were developed for traditional physical goods and services markets, digital platforms introduce unique characteristics like network effects, low marginal costs, multi-homing, and data-driven competition that alter the competitive landscape. The study reveals that digital platforms often lead to winner-takes-all outcomes, lower barriers to entry, and rapid innovation, which challenges conventional economic theories. Additionally, the rise of multi-homing and the dynamic nature of digital markets make it difficult for firms to maintain stable monopolies or oligopolies. The research underscores the need for more nuanced models to understand platform competition and calls for the development of adaptive regulatory frameworks to address the complexities of digital business environments. These findings contribute to ongoing discussions on digital governance and the need for policy approaches that balance innovation with protecting competition and consumer rights.

Ngendakumana Serge, Ndacayisaba Ferdinand, Joris Backaert, Bukobero Libère, Gahiro Léonidas and Habonimana Bernadette

Natural resources are facing serious degradation all over the world as a result of rapid population growth. This galloping population puts pressure on agroforestry ecosystems around the world. Yet, developing countries do not have methods to appraise the economic value of services provided by these ecosystems. They offer many opportunities to improve people’s livelihoods. However, trapped in the socio-economic development process, agroforestry faces different threats including: deforestation, soil degradation, pollution, overexploitation of biotic and abiotic resources, etc. This work has contributed to identify agroforestry ecosystems and their services in order to determine their value. It will contribute to raising awareness among public and private decision-makers on the importance of agroforestry in terms of its input to protecting the environment and maintaining economic activity and ensuring populations’ well-being. Applying the market price and avoided cost method, the work focused on analysing the economic value of ecosystem services provided by agroforestry in the foothills of Mumirwa. Results showed that ecosystem services provide a yearly average of 548,647.6 FBU while the minimum sum of a household is 300,000 FBU and the maximum is 1,200,000 FBU yearly. However, these methods used to assess ecosystem services remain complex. They are very often limited to direct use values and therefore, ignore non-use values constituting an important part of the total economic value of biodiversity. The study proves that agroforestry provides various environmental and economic benefits. From an economic point of view, households diversify their sources of income through agroforestry practices found on their farms. In a context of climate change, agroforestry ecosystems contribute to the reconstitution degraded landscapes and soil's regulation.

Dr. Suneetha, R. and Dr. Reena, K.

Rasa taila is an Traditional taila preparation of kerala, mentioned in Arogya Raksa Kalpadrumah 24 th chapter, vaata vyadhi context, Manya Graha chikistsa. This text is more practically oriented and can be considered as a Ayurvedic pediatrician's quick reference hand book, the content is rearranged in forty seven chapters. The chapters were named as stavaka. Content of Rasa taila - Aja mamsa (Goats meat - limb), Bala (Sida Cardifolia), Tila taila (sesamum oil) and Go skheera (cows milk). Its indicated in vata vyadhi in childen like hemiplegia, Paraplegia.

Kaleeshwari, S. and Dr. Jegadeeshwaran, M.

Growth finance institutions are essential for financing economic growth. These specialized banks cover gaps in the market. They provide long-term financial options that are often not accessible through traditional banks. They focus on funding development projects in regions that are neglected by conventional lenders. To address significant financial gaps, DFIs employ infrastructure loans, equity investments, and technical assistance. They help spark private investment for social and economic progress.Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are specialized financial institutions. They make growth capital available, mostly for development-oriented projects. The promotion of social and economic development is the main duty of DFIs. The present topic of this study is an in-depth conceptual analysis of the creation and evolution of financial institutions in India.

Ramiro Campos, María de Los Angeles García and Sunshine Charles Suñe

En el ámbito educativo, la voz del docente se erige como una herramienta multifacética y poderosa que va más allá de simplemente transmitir información. Este artículo explora el papel fundamental que desempeña la voz en la comunicación efectiva dentro del entorno educativo. Desde la claridad y la expresividad que facilitan la comprensión hasta la capacidad de mantener la atención y fomentar la participación activa de los estudiantes, la voz se convierte en un elemento crucial para el aprendizaje significativo. Además, este estudio analiza cómo el tono, la entonación y la empatía en la voz del profesor pueden crear un ambiente inclusivo y motivador en el aula, estableciendo conexiones afectivas que mejoran la experiencia educativa. Al modelar habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas, la voz del docente se convierte en una fuente inagotable de inspiración y motivación para los estudiantes, creando así un espacio propicio para el crecimiento intelectual y emocional. En última instancia, este artículo destaca cómo la voz, como herramienta de comunicación, no solo transmite conocimiento, sino que también moldea el proceso de aprendizaje y enriquece las interacciones humanas en el contexto educativo.

Dr. Sachin Jadhav, Dr. Aditi Sirsat and Dr. Prakash Kanade

Haemorrhoids, characterised by the prolapse or enlargement of the vascular cushions of the rectum and anus, affect a significant proportion of the population, resulting in symptoms such as bleeding, pain, and itching. The management of haemorrhoids varies according to the severity of the condition, with both surgical and minimally invasive options available. This review aims to provide an evidence-based analysis of conventional surgical techniques in hemorrhoid treatment, including open and closed hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidopexy, Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation (DG-HAL), and others. The efficacy of these methods is compared, and specific patient selection criteria are discussed to help identify the most suitable treatment for individual patients. The review synthesises findings from clinical studies, meta-analyses, and expert opinions to develop a comprehensive framework for optimising haemorrhoid treatment outcomes.

Chinomnso Stella Marcel-Onwudiwe, Assumpta Nnenna Nweke, Chidi Ochu Uzoma Esike, Amuchechukwu Veronica Nwafor, Emmanuel Chijioke Uwakwe and Uzoma Ede Ogbonna-Onwukwe

Background: Cervical cancer is the commonest genital tract cancer worldwide, and has a high burden of morbidity and mortality in developing countries of which Nigeria is part of. Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) increases the risk of dysplastic changes in the cervix leading to increasing premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix. Pregnant HIV positive women may be at a higher risk of having pre-invasive cervical lesions. Pregnancy presents an opportunity to screen women of reproductive age for the premalignant lesions of the cervix using Pap smear. Objectives: The objective of this study is to study the association between the cytological patterns of Pap smear of pregnant women who are HIV positive and the viral load levels at the antenatal clinic of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital Abakaliki (AE-FUTHA). Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study that involved collecting Pap smear from consenting HIV positive pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of AE-FUTHA. One hundred pregnant HIV positive women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and gave consent were recruited into the study by consecutive sampling method. A pretested questionnaire was administered to the women to get needed information for the study. Papanicolaou smear test was done on each of the participants. Blood samples were collected from the antecubital veins of the forearms of the HIV positive women and sent to the laboratory for estimation of viral load. The data were analysed using Epi info version 7.2.1. The continuous variables were presented as mean and standard deviation while categorical variables were presented as numbers and percentages. Categorical variables were analysed using Chi square (Fisher’s exact test was also used), while means were compared using t-test. A P-value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Result: The prevalence of abnormal Pap smear among HIV positive pregnant women was 24%. There was no relationship between viral load and abnormal Pap smear for HIV positive women with viral load less than 1000 copies per ml. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated no association between viral load and abnormal smear in HIV positive pregnant women.

N’Da Diane Sara-Elisabeth Francine, Groga Noel, Gnamien Yah Glawdys and N’Ganzoua Kouamé René

Wild mushrooms are vitally important non-timber forest products. However, changes in biodiversity and the effects of climate change are influencing their seasonal availability. Different types of substrate were formulated for this study, including three based on sawdust and one based on banana leaves. Before spawning, the culture bags were sterilised and then divided into three groups according to the type of oyster mushroom species (Pleurotus cornucopiae, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus citrinopileatus). After spawning, the culture bags were stored in a dark room until they were completely invaded. They were then stored in a fruiting room. The parameters assessed were: stipe height, number of clumps, number of runts, average number of plants per clump, cap diameter, carpophore mass and yield. The results of the statistical analyses showed that the substrates had an influence on changes in the various parameters considered. The study carried out on the evaluation of the production potential of various oyster mushroom species showed that Pleurotus cornucopiae was the species that recorded a high yield on sawdust-based substrates compared with the other oyster mushroom species.

Dr. Kavita Virat Shukla

Wild High insulin resistance is a condition where the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to elevated levels of insulin in the blood. Homeopathy addresses insulin resistance by aiming to improve the body’s insulin sensitivity and overall metabolism. This paper highlights a case study of a 36-year-old female who came to Dr Batra’s with severe insulin resistance, showcasing how individualized homeopathic treatment helped alleviate her symptoms and improved her quality of life.

Saley Mahamadou, Abass Saley Abdoulatif and Kailou Djibo Abdou

Mineral coal bottom ash, a residue from power plants, is an under-exploited industrial waste in Niger despite its interesting properties, notably its low density. This study aims to add value to this material by developing an economical, high-performance composite combining bottom ash powder (≤80 microns) and construction plaster, intended for interior applications such as false ceilings, wall coverings and decorations. Mortars with different proportions of clinker (0-70%) were formulated to assess their mechanical strength and thermal conductivity. The results show that replacing plaster with 20-35% clinker optimizes technical performance, with a 1.32-fold increase in compressive strength for 20% clinker. Thermal properties are also unaffected. This composite material offers an economically advantageous solution, by reducing the cost of construction materials and valorizing the large stocks of bottom ash accumulated, notably at the SONICHAR company in Niger. This approach contributes to the sustainable management of industrial waste while meeting the needs of the construction sector.

Mamadou SARRA and Maman Bachar IBRAHIMA OUMAROU

For better watershed control, protection, water resource planning and seabed development; it is important to aquire master the its physical environment. The aim of this study is to understand the hydrological functioning of the watershed through its physical environment in order to successfully manage it. The data from the 30 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and the 1/200,000 scale urban mapping of the study area were used. The description of the watershed showed that it is an elongated and covers an area of 498.78 km2. It is characterized by an old relief with a very low slope with an average drainage density of about 0.67 km/km2. The shallows cover an area of 1981 ha. This study shows the sensibility of the catchment to run-off and consequently to develop it in order to ensure its sustainable exploitation.


The aim of the work was to produce a geological and structural map of the Ouaddai massif using landsat and radar data. We used landsat-8 images to extract the lithological map (colour composition and ratio bands) and PALSAR DEM radar to extract the lineament map (using different filters). For the radar sensor, a total of 2188 lineaments were detected and extracted, with two main rock fracturing directions (ESE-WNW (90° to 115°) and NE-SW (45° to 65°)). For the landsat-8 sensor, a total of 987 lineaments were extracted, with two main lineament directions (NE-SW or N45° to 65° and ENE-WSW or 115° to 135°). Field observation revealed that the geological bedrock in the eastern part of the Ouaddaï massif is mainly granitic. The NE-SW and SE-NW directions are the main fracturing directions in these geological formations.

Ali Sanda Bawa, Idrissa Hamadou Issaka, Oumarou Farroukou Moustapha Bello and Marou Gourouza

The present work aims to determine the influence of the nature of the combined materials on the measurement of the conductivity of an aqueous ionic solution. In this study, 4 types of electrodes (iron (Fe), copper (Cu), aluminum (Al) and lead Pb) were used. Correlation curves, current intensities and the degree of mineralization of the solution were layout. The correlation coefficients varying between 0.9877 and 1 indicate a very good correlation between the degree of mineralization of the ionic solution and the intensity of the measured direct current and the reliability of the method. The results show that for the same solution, the current intensity is a function of the nature of the two combined electrodes.


The aim of the study was to analyse the genetic parameters of age at first calving and calving interval in the Kuri cattle breed, using data from 292 cows from 15 bulls born at the Sayam research station in Niger and monitored over the period 1994 to 2011. Genetic parameters were determined by the mother-daughter regression method and by the variance component method using a father mixed-effects model based on restricted maximum likelihood. The effects of season and year of calving were significant (p < 0.05) on the two reproductive parameters studied. Calving interval repeatability, estimated by intraclass correlation, was 0.13 ± 0.05. Heritability’s estimated by correlation between paternal half-sisters were 0.14 ± 0.07 and 0.51 ± 0.13 respectively for age at first calving and calving interval. Those estimated by regressing daughters ‘performances on dams’ performances were 0.25 ± 0.11 and 0.33 ± 0.17 respectively for age at first calving and calving interval. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between the two traits were -0.295 and -0.167 respectively. The high heritability estimates obtained showed a possibility of improving the two reproduction traits through selection.

Jegarajah Indrakumar and Navaretnam Shangavi

Background and objectives: Controlling coronary artery plaque regression is essential for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as it directly influences patient outcomes. Although advancements have been made in imaging and pharmacotherapy, significant challenges remain in accurately assessing plaque changes and managing associated treatment side effects. This article aimed to explore the current state of coronary artery plaque regression management, including the limitations of existing imaging technologies and the side effects of lipid-lowering treatments, as well as potential future approaches. Methods: A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted, focusing on advancements in imaging modalities, pharmacological treatments, and patient management strategies for coronary artery disease (CAD). Special attention was paid to the challenges of assessing plaque dynamics and the clinical implications of long-term treatment strategies. Results: Imaging modalities for plaque assessment continue to face limitations, particularly in providing comprehensive examinations of plaque changes. Although lipid-lowering therapies are effective in reducing plaque burden, they are associated with side effects that affect patient adherence. Long-term lifestyle changes are difficult to maintain, further hindering plaque regression. Despite these challenges, novel medications and an enhanced understanding of plaque biology offer promise for improving treatment outcomes. Conclusion: Effective management of coronary artery plaque regression remains a critical factor in reducing the global burden of cardiovascular disease. Future treatment strategies should focus on optimizing patient adherence, minimizing the adverse effects of therapy, and leveraging innovative imaging technologies for the more accurate detection and treatment of atherosclerosis. Addressing these challenges will significantly enhance preventive efforts and patient care [1].

Kiébré Rimyalegdo, Kabré Sayouba, Ramdé Souleymane

With this study, we intend to contribute to the promotion of micro hydroelectric power plants for individual, family and community use. We pay a particular attention to sustainable and affordable solutions that could be used in isolated sites with relative less investment. For this purpose, we demonstrate the possibility of generating electricity from hydraulic energy of water flow in domestic taps and agriculture irrigation valves. Through examples of daily water needs of an average household and an irrigated farm, we estimate the electrical energy that could be generated by installing a suitable small turbine. In the case of irrigation water flow, the estimated quantity of electrical energy is relatively significant and could meet human basic needs such as powering and recharging daily household devices on isolated sites. The electricity is produced when the water flows. It is then necessary to store it in adapted batteries. We also underline the fact that the presented solutions are sustainable because the turbines recover an energy that was supposed to be lost.

Stéphanie Schiavo Romko, Camila Delinski Bet, Daniele Bach, RadlaZabian Bassetto Bisinella and Egon Schnitzler

Loquat seed starch (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) was isolated, characterized, and subjected to physical modifications using ultrasound techniques at amplitudes of 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. Proximate analysis of the native starch revealed the following composition: moisture content (5.48%), lipid content (0.19%), protein content (3.56%), dietary fiber content (4.51%), crude fiber content (1.37%), and carbohydrate content by difference (84.77%). Thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) identified three main mass loss events for all samples. The lowest onset temperature of degradation was observed in the native starch, recording 156.40°C, whereas the highest temperature was 235.18°C for the US40% sample. Changes in the L, a, and b* color parameters were observed between native and ultrasound-modified samples. A decrease in both the initial and peak gelatinization temperatures was noted for sonicated samples. Native loquat seed starch exhibited a reduction in pasting temperature as the ultrasonic vibration amplitude increased. Peak viscosity showed a more pronounced increase up to 50% treatment, then gradually decreased when reaching 70% amplitude. Isolated starch granules were examined using polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, which revealed a mixture of irregular, truncated, and spherical granules. The molecular structure of the starch remained unchanged regardless of the treatment method applied, as confirmed by unaltered functional groups in the FT-IR spectra. However, the intensity of the characteristic peaks was affected by the different treatments. Starch is an excellent source of biodegradable material derived from plant sources, which is environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Therefore, it is potentially used as an alternative to plastic in food packaging. In this context, various efforts have been made to develop biodegradable antioxidant films using loquat seed starch.

COULIBALY Kpinna Tiekoura, Kamagaté Beman Hamidja, Kanga Koffi and Soro Etienne

The assessment of resilience is the core of any governance and risk management analysis for shocks and crises. This assessment is generally dependent on similarity measurement for the identification of patterns and relationships between different individuals or groups of individuals within a given community. One of the difficulties in studying social resilience processes is the lack of appropriate analytical tools that take into account the dimensions of resilience. The use of conventional similarity measures can lead to some bias in the analysis and consequently to errors in decision-making. In this paper, we propose a new measure of similarity for the calculation of the degree of similarity between two individuals described by several univalued and multivalued variables of heterogeneous types (quantitative, qualitative or textual). Our proposal, compared to most of the similarity measures presented in the literature, has the merit of directly exploiting a table of heterogeneous data containing both univalued and multivalued values (intervals, sets, textual, etc.). Generally, a homogeneous transformation of the table is used and then a classical similarity index is used for the construction of the similarity matrix. However, this homogeneity of the table leads to distortions and negatively influences the expressive character of the data. The comparison of our approach with other proposals in the literature according to the Davies-Bouldin and Silhouette quality index gives us the best values for these indices, demonstrating its effectiveness for studying social resilience processes.

Dr. Kanu Priya, BHMS

With Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a viral condition that can cause intense pain and discomfort, often leading to long-term complications like post-herpetic neuralgia. Conventional treatments typically manage the symptoms but may not prevent these lingering effects. However, homeopathy has demonstrated significant efficacy in treating herpes zoster, providing rapid relief from symptoms and preventing chronic pain. This case study of a 37-year-old female shows how a single homeopathic remedy led to complete recovery within three months, with no residual pain, burning, or itching.

Yeltongar NADJI, Jerome MBAINAIBEYE and Toussaint Gnonwa

Breast cancer ranks first among the types of cancer affecting women worldwide. However, early detection can lead to effective treatment. Developing a system to make the decision on the benign or malignant nature of the tumour will help radiologists to establish a precise diagnosis in order to manage patients presenting the pathologies. The objective of this study is to develop a method that makes it possible to recognize the malignant or benign nature of breast cancer in a mammographic image, using the neural network. The method we developed is based on the neural network. Indeed, we extracted the characteristics of the mammographic images having undergone pre-processing and the detection of regions of interest by the multiscale product. These characteristics are extracted, in one hand by the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and in the other hand the Gray Level Run Length matrix (GLRLM). The extracted characteristics constitute the data at the input of a neural network (the pattern net). The mammographic images from the MIAS database were used as a learning basis and recognition basis. This development allowed us to classify objects in a region of interest as malignant or benign. The results of the proposed method showed sensitivity, specificity and an area under the curve all equal to 1 for images labelled malignant and therefore cancerous. For images labelled benign, the sensitivity is equal to 0.8, the specificity is equal to 1, and the area under the curve is equal to 0.88. Thus, the results highlighted the effectiveness of the method we proposed. Compared to the results of the literature (recent state of the art), we can say that the method we proposed is the most efficient in terms of evaluation criteria. The most contributions of this work are the successful using of the characteristics of mammographic images (characteristics issues from the segmentation and multiscale product of 2-Dimensional continuous wavelet coefficient) extracted by GLCM and GLRLM and used as the input of a neural network to recognize and classify as benign or malignant the mammographic images.

Hadara DABRE, Alain P.K. GOMGNIMBOU, Abdramane D. SANON, Hamadé SIGUE and Michel K. GOMGNIMBOU

L’objectif de la présente étude est d’analyser les facteurs de risques sanitaires et environnementaux auxquels sont exposés les maraîchers de Dogona à Bobo Dioulasso, située à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une enquête a été conduite auprès de 132 maraîchers dudit site. Ceux-ci ont été choisis de manière aléatoire. Les données sur les caractéristiques socioéconomiques de la population, les pratiques d’irrigation des cultures, les pratiques de fertilisations et de protection des cultures ainsi que sur la perception des maraîchers sur les risques sanitaires et environnementaux liés à la production maraîchère ont été collectées sur la base d’un questionnaire adressé individuellement aux producteurs échantillonnés grâce à l’outil Kobocollect version 2023. Les résultats ont relevé que la majorité (98,5%) des producteurs puise principalement les eaux usées du marigôt Houet à l’aide de motopompes pour la production maraîchère. Le système d’irrigation par aspersion est la méthode adoptée par la plupart (86,4%) des maraîchers. Les spéculations les plus cultivées demeurent la menthe (Mentha.sp) et la laitue (Lactuva sativa L) avec respectivement des taux de 19,27% et de 18,86%. Pour accroître leur rendement, 55,30% des producteurs utilisent à la fois des engrais chimiques et organiques. Les pesticides sont utilisés par 96,2% des producteurs. L’irrigation des cultures et le nettoyage des produits maraîchers avec des eaux usées de la rivière du Houet sont des facteurs de risques sanitaires. Il ressort de nos interviews que 32,57%, des enquêtés ont une perception moyenne des risques liés à l’usage des eaux usées sur la qualité des légumes produits. Par contre une minorité (3,78%) a une perception très élevée des risques et 17,42% ignorent ces risques. Face à cette situation, une étude de la qualité des eaux usées et des produits maraîchers s’avère nécessaire.

Ali Annabi and Walid Ben Ameur

Environmental perturbation such as pollution is one of the most disturbing aspects of environmental degradation. The Gulf of Gabes is presently facing severe environmental issues due mainly to intense fishing activity and improper industrialization (metal pollution). We have proposed in the present study, to assess the impact of environmental pollution on two fish species: Sardinella (S.) aurita and Mugil (M.) cephalus. To attend our objective, an exploration of morphological and asymmetry parameters was undertaken. The comparative analysis of the obtained data showed for S. aurita and M. cephalus, the existence of a significant difference between both male and female sexes, the total length (the standard length, the length to the fork and the predorsal length and the morphological variables total length, standard length, length into the fork, the caudal length of the peduncle, the height of fishes, dorsal fin length and anal fin length respectively for the two species. The study of asymmetry parameters revealed some asymmetries affecting the length of the head and the diameter of the eye, respectively for M. cephalus and S. aurita.

Netra Pal Singh and Krishan Pratap Singh

Asparagus racemosus, commonly known as Shatavari, is highly valued in Ayurveda, often referred to as the "Queen of Herbs" due to its rejuvenating properties. This study seeks to explore the morphological, phytochemical, and antibacterial characteristics of Asparagus racemosus, with a specific emphasis on how different soil types and climatic conditions in Agra affect its immune-enhancing properties. Morphological observations indicated improvements in plant height, flower, fruit, and seed development when cultivated in vermicompost, with notable enhancement in the shape and size of roots in the vermicompost mixture. Phytochemical analysis of methanol extracts from the roots of Asparagus racemosus, grown under varied soil conditions, identified the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, steroids, and tannins. Antibacterial testing of these methanolic root extracts demonstrated effectiveness against pathogens such as E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis. These findings validate the conventional use of Asparagus racemosus in treating bacterial infections, emphasizing the potential of plant-derived products as sources of antimicrobial agents.

Alekhya Gandra

Background: Regular physical activity improves fitness, physical and cognitive function, and overall well-being, especially in older adults. Digital health applications, particularly those integrated with voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa, present new opportunities for promoting healthier lifestyles by facilitating access to health information and on-demand exercises. This study evaluates the impact of using the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill on weight loss and physical activity among older adults. Objective: The study aimed to assess whether the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill could increase physical activity and promote weight loss in older adults by providing on-demand health programs. Methods: This 4-month study involved 22 patients with obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes, with 12 participants downloading and using the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill. Data collected included participant demographics (age, gender, weight), engagement metrics (minutes spent in on-demand classes), and qualitative feedback. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS to evaluate differences in physical activity and weight loss between Skill users and non-Skill users. Results: Participants using the Amazon Alexa Skill recorded significantly more active minutes (85.92 minutes/day) than non-Skill users (50.86 minutes/day), representing a 68.9% increase in activity. Skill users also exhibited more significant average weight loss (-3.9 lbs) than non-Skill users (-2.3 lbs). Most Skill users provided positive feedback, with 75% reporting ease of use and 84.6% recommending the Skill to others. Findings: The study suggests that integrating voice-activated health apps like EngAGE can enhance physical activity and support weight loss in older adults. The findings indicate that voice assistants provide an accessible, engaging platform for promoting healthier lifestyles. However, future research should explore the broader application of such tools and assess the long-term effects on health outcomes.

ALONGO Yvon Rock Ghislain, MOUSSOUAMI Innocent Simplice, MABOUNDA KOUNGA Paul Roger, OBELA IBATA Gency Espoir and ITOUA ONIANGUET OSSOBA Kiel

Breast The main objective of this study was to show the effects of the practice of extra-curricular activities based on the game of "lipato" on the body composition and blood pressure values of high school students. It involved 64 subjects, aged between 19 and 22, divided into two groups: GE (32) experimental group and GT (32) control group, experimental protocol of the “lipato” game during 3 months of school holidays. The determination of the anthropometric variables of height and weight with a measuring rod and a bathroom scale and the body composition variables with the impedance meter. All these measurements are taken before and after the experiment. The results obtained show an improvement in anthropometric variables, composition in favor of the experimental group respectively (weight 25.80 ± 4.27 vs 29.90 ± 3.89, BMI 21.67 ± 1.52 vs 24.41 ± 1.39 muscle mass 25.74±4.71 vs 29.97±3.89, water mass 10.27±3.44 vs 12.35±3.60). These results suggest that the optimal practice of the "lipato" game during the holidays favors the reduction of the prevalence of overweight.

Sundeep Kr. Divaker and Arun Joshi

The present communication deals with environmental awareness among the students of secondary schools. The four schools were selected for the study from Rae Bareli District, one central government, another one public school, third a convent school and last was a state government school. The schools selected having different infrastructures and with differences in the curriculum which severely affected their awareness about the environmental studies.


Push-over on wall, a ubiquitous phenomenon observed in various aspects of daily life, has long been a topic of interest among Civil Engineers. Push-over analysis has emerged as a widely accepted method for assessing the seismic vulnerability of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. Its analysis is a nonlinear static analysis technique commonly employed to evaluate the performance and seismic capacity of unreinforced masonry (URM). Despite its seemingly simple nature, the underlying mechanics of push-over on wall remain poorly understood. This study includes a review of current literature, an outline of the experimental methods, the relationships between force and structural integrity and a discussion on of the results obtained through experimentation. For this purpose, a masonry wall has been implemented under cyclic loading this aspect, shedding light on the intricate relationships between force and structural integrity. To achieve this, a masonry wall is subjected to repetitive loads that move back and forth along its upper right side. Using a FEMA protocol, the successive forces produce diagonal cracks along the entire wall, which is contained within a 1.2 m long by 1.5 m high steel frame with pinned supports as boundary conditions.

Mathew Olumide Adebisi, Adeniyi Adebayo Augustine, Adewara Olumide Emmanuel, Awoyinka Babatunde Sunday, Adewumi Bakare, Ogheneovo Ifedayo Okurumeh, Adekanye Emmanuel Adeola and Olalekan Oladipupo Rosiji

Uterine rupture is an obstetric mishap with associated morbidity and mortality consequences for the fetus and the mother. Promptness and accuracy of diagnosis of uterine rupture will help in instituting interventions to reduce these complications. Sometimes, the clinical presentations such as abdominal pain, abnormal fetal heart rate or intrauterine fetal death, bleeding per vaginam and loss of previously noted fetal station in a parturient may not be typical in uterine rupture. Previous uterine surgeries such as caesarean section, dilatation and curettage, myomecctomy or use of uterotonic agents for induction or augmentation of labour are the prominent risk factors. This case is unique because she has no such risk factors. However, there was sudden onset of generalized abdominal pain, readily palpable fetal parts, no fetal heart tone with ultrasound confirmation of intrauterine fetal death and the maternal hemodynamic status deteriorated rapidly raising the suspicion of a very rare occurrence of spontaneous uterine rupture with no obvious prior uterine scar. This atypical presentation delayed the diagnosis which might have accounted for the fetal loss, but emergency exploratory laparotomy saved the women with a maternal near-miss experience.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of maceration time on the yield, quality of biomolecules and anti-radical power of pericarp extracts of Mangosteen Garcinia fruits. Phytochemical detection was carried out from ethanolic extracts obtained at different consecutive times, 24, 48 and 72 hours of maceration with 50g of powder of dried pericarps of mamgoustan fruits, thin layer chromatography followed by fluorescence detection, in vitro tests for evaluating the anti-radical power visualized with a UV-visible spectrophotometer were observed. The proximal composition by qualitative dosage of total polyphenols was carried out by the universal methods described by Folin-ciocalteu and flavonoids by the AlCl 3 method through the sight of the UV- visible spectrophotometer. The anti-radical power was measured by the DPPH test. The much higher dry matter contents appear from 72 hours, extraction times of E3, or 7.08% in extraction yield. The compounds identified include tannins, flavanols, leuco anthocyanins, alkaloids and saponins, with a strong predominance of polyphenols. Samples E1, E2 and E3 contain respectively the total polyphenol contents of the order of 2033.06 mgEAG / g Ms, 2188.86 mgEAG / gMs and 1796.86 mgEAG / gMs and with the same trends as the total flavonoid contents of 1234.81 mgEQt / gMs , 1241.42 mgEQt / gMs and 977.17 mgEQt / gMs . The IC50 values are 4.15µg/ml, 4.22µg/ml and 3.70µg/ml for the three samples respectively. The extraction duration has a significant impact on the yield, total polyphenol content, total flavonoids and inhibition potential. E3 has a high inhibition capacity with the lowest IC50 compared to E1 and E2. Mangosteen fruit pericarp extracts contain interesting biactive compounds, thus opening the way for the valorization of these wastes in food and medicine.

Dotanhan Yeo, Abdoul Kawiyou Traore, Boza FulgenceDeabo and Kouassi Dongo

Le trià la source de déchets organiques municipaux est généralement présenté comme la solution pour l’amélioration de la qualité des composts produitsà partir de déchets solides municipaux en Afrique Sub-saharienne. Cependant, l’impact réel de cette pratique sur la qualité des composts produits est encore très peu investigué. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer la qualité chimique et microbiologique des composts produits à base de déchets organiques triés à la source dans la ville de Tiassalé. Pour ce faire, les paramètres physico-chimiques ont été suivis au cours du processus de compostage et des analyses chimiques et microbiologiques ont été réalisées sur des échantillons de composts.Les résultats ont montré que les fortes températures (jusqu’à 70°C) observées au cours du processus de compostage permettaient d’éliminer l’essentiel des germes pathogènes. Les pH des composts produits étaient alcalins (9,10) et leursrapports C/N étaient inférieursà 15, traduisant ainsi la maturité de ces composts. Les composts produits étaient riches en éléments nutritifs et leurs teneurs en métaux lourds largement inférieuresaux seuils autorisés par les normes française et allemande. Ces composts peuvent donc être utilisés en agriculture. Ces résultats confirment donc l’efficacité de la pratique du tri à la source dans l’amélioration de la qualité des composts produits à base de déchets organiques municipaux.

Hadiya, A. H. and Bhoya, U. C.

A new homologous series has been synthesized and studied to explore the impact of adding alkyl chains and a fused heterocyclic ring on mesomorphic properties. The series includes 12 homologues (G1-G12), all of which exhibit smectic mesophase. Textural analysis and phase transition temperatures were measured using polarizing optical microscopy with a heating stage. The molecular structures were confirmed using 1H NMR, FTIR, and mass spectrometry. The incorporation of the 5-amino benzo [1,3] dioxole ring into the molecular structure improved thermal stability, with all derivatives maintaining stability between 48.3°C and 140.4°C. The average thermal stabilities for the smectic was significantly higher than those commonly seen in similar compounds, offering valuable insights for the development of liquid crystalline materials.

Konan Ella N’DRI, Bi Boh Nestor GORE, Koffi Brice Aymar KOUASSI and Doffou Sélastique AKAFFOU

Myrianthus arboreus is an indigenous African species of socio-economic importance, widely distributed in the South Sudanese part of Côte d’Ivoire. A good knowledge of its phenology could contribute to its conservation and sustainable management in the context of climate change. The objective of this study was to analyze some phenophases of Myrianthus arboreus from the localities of Abengourou, Adzopé, Daloa, Diabo and Zouan Hounien in order to consider its possible domestication. For better knowledge of flowering and fruiting leading to fruit maturation, 150 individuals aged at least 5 years were observed during 2018 and 2019. The results revealed that individuals from Diabo and Abengourou flowers from January to February. Those of Daloa, Adzopé and Zouan Hounien flower from January to March. The flowering percentage of male individuals ranges from 53 to 90 %, and that of females is 100 %. The maturation of the male inflorescence of individuals from Abengourou and Diabo lasts 15 ± 2 days while in Adzopé, Daloa and Zouan Hounien lasts 19 ± 2 days. Fruit setting lasts 85 ± 4 days in individuals from Adzopé, Daloa and Zouan Hounien while it lasts 54 ± 4 days in those from Abengourou and Diabo. In individuals from Adzopé and Zouan Hounien, fruiting lasts 170 ± 9 days while it varies between 112 and 142 ± 9 days in those from Abengourou, Daloa and Diabo. Fruit ripening lasts 86 ± 5 days in individuals from Abengourou, Adzopé and Zouan Hounien, on the other hand, it lasts 57 ± 4 days in those from Daloa and Diabo. These data provide an overview of the period, duration of flowering and fruiting of Myrianthus arboreus, for any hybridization tests.


The Birni N'Konnihydro-agricultural structures are hydraulic works utilized for agricultural purposes in this region of Niger. They play a pivotal role in the country's economy. In recent years, these hydraulic infrastructures have been subjected to a multitude of degradation factors, both physical and chemical in nature. The physical factors include erosion, sedimentation, and fatigue, while the chemical factors encompass corrosion and pollution. Additionally, biological factors, particularly the impact of vegetation, have also contributed to the deterioration of these structures. Anthropogenic factors, such as overuse, inadequate maintenance, and design flaws, have also played a role in the observed degradation. For this reason, the primary objective of this study is to conduct a diagnostic analysis of the Konni hydraulic structures with the aim of proposing strategies for enhancing their performance and mitigating their deterioration, particularly during periods of low water levels. The approach adopted is that the integration of computational and design models, in conjunction with protection and maintenance measures, can extend the lifespan of the structures. This will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in irrigation efficiency and a reduction in the frequency of food shortages for local residents and economic losses for producers.

Richhapal Kumawat, S. Godika, S. K. Goyal and Jitendra Sharma

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is one of the major seed spice crop. It suffers from various diseases. Among these diseases, stem rot disease is becoming a considerable threat to the fennel. The present investigation aimed to evaluate eco-friendly approaches viz., Bio agent, plant extracts, and oil cakes to control Sclerotinia rot of fennel under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Maximum disease reduction was observed in the seed treatment + soil application of T. harzianum. All the tested plant extracts inhibit the mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum under in vitro conditions. Garlic (Allium sativum) clove extract gave maximum inhibition (40.40%, 62.60%, and 76.30%) of mycelial growth at 5, 10, and 15 per cent concentration. Seed treatment (ST) and foliar spray (FS) of plant extracts were most effective in managing disease, followed by seed treatment and foliar spray alone. Among plant extracts, garlic (Allium sativum) clove extract was found best in reducing the disease incidence (38.50%) followed by datura (Datura stramonium). Extracts of six oil cakes were screened in vitro for fungitoxicity against S. sclerotiorum, castor, and neem cake were effective in inhibiting mycelial growth. While castor cake was most effective under in vivo conditions for reducing disease incidence, followed by neem cake.