Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 01, January 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  


COULIBALY Kpinna Tiekoura, Kamagaté Beman Hamidja, Kanga Koffi and Soro Etienne

The assessment of resilience is the core of any governance and risk management analysis for shocks and crises. This assessment is generally dependent on similarity measurement for the identification of patterns and relationships between different individuals or groups of individuals within a given community. One of the difficulties in studying social resilience processes is the lack of appropriate analytical tools that take into account the dimensions of resilience. The use of conventional similarity measures can lead to some bias in the analysis and consequently to errors in decision-making. In this paper, we propose a new measure of similarity for the calculation of the degree of similarity between two individuals described by several univalued and multivalued variables of heterogeneous types (quantitative, qualitative or textual). Our proposal, compared to most of the similarity measures presented in the literature, has the merit of directly exploiting a table of heterogeneous data containing both univalued and multivalued values (intervals, sets, textual, etc.). Generally, a homogeneous transformation of the table is used and then a classical similarity index is used for the construction of the similarity matrix. However, this homogeneity of the table leads to distortions and negatively influences the expressive character of the data. The comparison of our approach with other proposals in the literature according to the Davies-Bouldin and Silhouette quality index gives us the best values for these indices, demonstrating its effectiveness for studying social resilience processes.

Dr. Kanu Priya, BHMS

With Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a viral condition that can cause intense pain and discomfort, often leading to long-term complications like post-herpetic neuralgia. Conventional treatments typically manage the symptoms but may not prevent these lingering effects. However, homeopathy has demonstrated significant efficacy in treating herpes zoster, providing rapid relief from symptoms and preventing chronic pain. This case study of a 37-year-old female shows how a single homeopathic remedy led to complete recovery within three months, with no residual pain, burning, or itching.

Yeltongar NADJI, Jerome MBAINAIBEYE and Toussaint Gnonwa

Breast cancer ranks first among the types of cancer affecting women worldwide. However, early detection can lead to effective treatment. Developing a system to make the decision on the benign or malignant nature of the tumour will help radiologists to establish a precise diagnosis in order to manage patients presenting the pathologies. The objective of this study is to develop a method that makes it possible to recognize the malignant or benign nature of breast cancer in a mammographic image, using the neural network. The method we developed is based on the neural network. Indeed, we extracted the characteristics of the mammographic images having undergone pre-processing and the detection of regions of interest by the multiscale product. These characteristics are extracted, in one hand by the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and in the other hand the Gray Level Run Length matrix (GLRLM). The extracted characteristics constitute the data at the input of a neural network (the pattern net). The mammographic images from the MIAS database were used as a learning basis and recognition basis. This development allowed us to classify objects in a region of interest as malignant or benign. The results of the proposed method showed sensitivity, specificity and an area under the curve all equal to 1 for images labelled malignant and therefore cancerous. For images labelled benign, the sensitivity is equal to 0.8, the specificity is equal to 1, and the area under the curve is equal to 0.88. Thus, the results highlighted the effectiveness of the method we proposed. Compared to the results of the literature (recent state of the art), we can say that the method we proposed is the most efficient in terms of evaluation criteria. The most contributions of this work are the successful using of the characteristics of mammographic images (characteristics issues from the segmentation and multiscale product of 2-Dimensional continuous wavelet coefficient) extracted by GLCM and GLRLM and used as the input of a neural network to recognize and classify as benign or malignant the mammographic images.

Hadara DABRE, Alain P.K. GOMGNIMBOU, Abdramane D. SANON, Hamadé SIGUE and Michel K. GOMGNIMBOU

L’objectif de la présente étude est d’analyser les facteurs de risques sanitaires et environnementaux auxquels sont exposés les maraîchers de Dogona à Bobo Dioulasso, située à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une enquête a été conduite auprès de 132 maraîchers dudit site. Ceux-ci ont été choisis de manière aléatoire. Les données sur les caractéristiques socioéconomiques de la population, les pratiques d’irrigation des cultures, les pratiques de fertilisations et de protection des cultures ainsi que sur la perception des maraîchers sur les risques sanitaires et environnementaux liés à la production maraîchère ont été collectées sur la base d’un questionnaire adressé individuellement aux producteurs échantillonnés grâce à l’outil Kobocollect version 2023. Les résultats ont relevé que la majorité (98,5%) des producteurs puise principalement les eaux usées du marigôt Houet à l’aide de motopompes pour la production maraîchère. Le système d’irrigation par aspersion est la méthode adoptée par la plupart (86,4%) des maraîchers. Les spéculations les plus cultivées demeurent la menthe (Mentha.sp) et la laitue (Lactuva sativa L) avec respectivement des taux de 19,27% et de 18,86%. Pour accroître leur rendement, 55,30% des producteurs utilisent à la fois des engrais chimiques et organiques. Les pesticides sont utilisés par 96,2% des producteurs. L’irrigation des cultures et le nettoyage des produits maraîchers avec des eaux usées de la rivière du Houet sont des facteurs de risques sanitaires. Il ressort de nos interviews que 32,57%, des enquêtés ont une perception moyenne des risques liés à l’usage des eaux usées sur la qualité des légumes produits. Par contre une minorité (3,78%) a une perception très élevée des risques et 17,42% ignorent ces risques. Face à cette situation, une étude de la qualité des eaux usées et des produits maraîchers s’avère nécessaire.

Netra Pal Singh and Krishan Pratap Singh

Asparagus racemosus, commonly known as Shatavari, is highly valued in Ayurveda, often referred to as the "Queen of Herbs" due to its rejuvenating properties. This study seeks to explore the morphological, phytochemical, and antibacterial characteristics of Asparagus racemosus, with a specific emphasis on how different soil types and climatic conditions in Agra affect its immune-enhancing properties. Morphological observations indicated improvements in plant height, flower, fruit, and seed development when cultivated in vermicompost, with notable enhancement in the shape and size of roots in the vermicompost mixture. Phytochemical analysis of methanol extracts from the roots of Asparagus racemosus, grown under varied soil conditions, identified the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, steroids, and tannins. Antibacterial testing of these methanolic root extracts demonstrated effectiveness against pathogens such as E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis. These findings validate the conventional use of Asparagus racemosus in treating bacterial infections, emphasizing the potential of plant-derived products as sources of antimicrobial agents.

Ali Annabi and Walid Ben Ameur

Environmental perturbation such as pollution is one of the most disturbing aspects of environmental degradation. The Gulf of Gabes is presently facing severe environmental issues due mainly to intense fishing activity and improper industrialization (metal pollution). We have proposed in the present study, to assess the impact of environmental pollution on two fish species: Sardinella (S.) aurita and Mugil (M.) cephalus. To attend our objective, an exploration of morphological and asymmetry parameters was undertaken. The comparative analysis of the obtained data showed for S. aurita and M. cephalus, the existence of a significant difference between both male and female sexes, the total length (the standard length, the length to the fork and the predorsal length and the morphological variables total length, standard length, length into the fork, the caudal length of the peduncle, the height of fishes, dorsal fin length and anal fin length respectively for the two species. The study of asymmetry parameters revealed some asymmetries affecting the length of the head and the diameter of the eye, respectively for M. cephalus and S. aurita.

Alekhya Gandra

Background: Regular physical activity improves fitness, physical and cognitive function, and overall well-being, especially in older adults. Digital health applications, particularly those integrated with voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa, present new opportunities for promoting healthier lifestyles by facilitating access to health information and on-demand exercises. This study evaluates the impact of using the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill on weight loss and physical activity among older adults. Objective: The study aimed to assess whether the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill could increase physical activity and promote weight loss in older adults by providing on-demand health programs. Methods: This 4-month study involved 22 patients with obesity, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes, with 12 participants downloading and using the EngAGE Amazon Alexa Skill. Data collected included participant demographics (age, gender, weight), engagement metrics (minutes spent in on-demand classes), and qualitative feedback. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS to evaluate differences in physical activity and weight loss between Skill users and non-Skill users. Results: Participants using the Amazon Alexa Skill recorded significantly more active minutes (85.92 minutes/day) than non-Skill users (50.86 minutes/day), representing a 68.9% increase in activity. Skill users also exhibited more significant average weight loss (-3.9 lbs) than non-Skill users (-2.3 lbs). Most Skill users provided positive feedback, with 75% reporting ease of use and 84.6% recommending the Skill to others. Findings: The study suggests that integrating voice-activated health apps like EngAGE can enhance physical activity and support weight loss in older adults. The findings indicate that voice assistants provide an accessible, engaging platform for promoting healthier lifestyles. However, future research should explore the broader application of such tools and assess the long-term effects on health outcomes.

ALONGO Yvon Rock Ghislain, MOUSSOUAMI Innocent Simplice, MABOUNDA KOUNGA Paul Roger, OBELA IBATA Gency Espoir and ITOUA ONIANGUET OSSOBA Kiel

Breast The main objective of this study was to show the effects of the practice of extra-curricular activities based on the game of "lipato" on the body composition and blood pressure values of high school students. It involved 64 subjects, aged between 19 and 22, divided into two groups: GE (32) experimental group and GT (32) control group, experimental protocol of the “lipato” game during 3 months of school holidays. The determination of the anthropometric variables of height and weight with a measuring rod and a bathroom scale and the body composition variables with the impedance meter. All these measurements are taken before and after the experiment. The results obtained show an improvement in anthropometric variables, composition in favor of the experimental group respectively (weight 25.80 ± 4.27 vs 29.90 ± 3.89, BMI 21.67 ± 1.52 vs 24.41 ± 1.39 muscle mass 25.74±4.71 vs 29.97±3.89, water mass 10.27±3.44 vs 12.35±3.60). These results suggest that the optimal practice of the "lipato" game during the holidays favors the reduction of the prevalence of overweight.

Sundeep Kr. Divaker and Arun Joshi

The present communication deals with environmental awareness among the students of secondary schools. The four schools were selected for the study from Rae Bareli District, one central government, another one public school, third a convent school and last was a state government school. The schools selected having different infrastructures and with differences in the curriculum which severely affected their awareness about the environmental studies.


Push-over on wall, a ubiquitous phenomenon observed in various aspects of daily life, has long been a topic of interest among Civil Engineers. Push-over analysis has emerged as a widely accepted method for assessing the seismic vulnerability of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. Its analysis is a nonlinear static analysis technique commonly employed to evaluate the performance and seismic capacity of unreinforced masonry (URM). Despite its seemingly simple nature, the underlying mechanics of push-over on wall remain poorly understood. This study includes a review of current literature, an outline of the experimental methods, the relationships between force and structural integrity and a discussion on of the results obtained through experimentation. For this purpose, a masonry wall has been implemented under cyclic loading this aspect, shedding light on the intricate relationships between force and structural integrity. To achieve this, a masonry wall is subjected to repetitive loads that move back and forth along its upper right side. Using a FEMA protocol, the successive forces produce diagonal cracks along the entire wall, which is contained within a 1.2 m long by 1.5 m high steel frame with pinned supports as boundary conditions.

Mathew Olumide Adebisi, Adeniyi Adebayo Augustine, Adewara Olumide Emmanuel, Awoyinka Babatunde Sunday, Adewumi Bakare, Ogheneovo Ifedayo Okurumeh, Adekanye Emmanuel Adeola and Olalekan Oladipupo Rosiji

Uterine rupture is an obstetric mishap with associated morbidity and mortality consequences for the fetus and the mother. Promptness and accuracy of diagnosis of uterine rupture will help in instituting interventions to reduce these complications. Sometimes, the clinical presentations such as abdominal pain, abnormal fetal heart rate or intrauterine fetal death, bleeding per vaginam and loss of previously noted fetal station in a parturient may not be typical in uterine rupture. Previous uterine surgeries such as caesarean section, dilatation and curettage, myomecctomy or use of uterotonic agents for induction or augmentation of labour are the prominent risk factors. This case is unique because she has no such risk factors. However, there was sudden onset of generalized abdominal pain, readily palpable fetal parts, no fetal heart tone with ultrasound confirmation of intrauterine fetal death and the maternal hemodynamic status deteriorated rapidly raising the suspicion of a very rare occurrence of spontaneous uterine rupture with no obvious prior uterine scar. This atypical presentation delayed the diagnosis which might have accounted for the fetal loss, but emergency exploratory laparotomy saved the women with a maternal near-miss experience.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of maceration time on the yield, quality of biomolecules and anti-radical power of pericarp extracts of Mangosteen Garcinia fruits. Phytochemical detection was carried out from ethanolic extracts obtained at different consecutive times, 24, 48 and 72 hours of maceration with 50g of powder of dried pericarps of mamgoustan fruits, thin layer chromatography followed by fluorescence detection, in vitro tests for evaluating the anti-radical power visualized with a UV-visible spectrophotometer were observed. The proximal composition by qualitative dosage of total polyphenols was carried out by the universal methods described by Folin-ciocalteu and flavonoids by the AlCl 3 method through the sight of the UV- visible spectrophotometer. The anti-radical power was measured by the DPPH test. The much higher dry matter contents appear from 72 hours, extraction times of E3, or 7.08% in extraction yield. The compounds identified include tannins, flavanols, leuco anthocyanins, alkaloids and saponins, with a strong predominance of polyphenols. Samples E1, E2 and E3 contain respectively the total polyphenol contents of the order of 2033.06 mgEAG / g Ms, 2188.86 mgEAG / gMs and 1796.86 mgEAG / gMs and with the same trends as the total flavonoid contents of 1234.81 mgEQt / gMs , 1241.42 mgEQt / gMs and 977.17 mgEQt / gMs . The IC50 values are 4.15µg/ml, 4.22µg/ml and 3.70µg/ml for the three samples respectively. The extraction duration has a significant impact on the yield, total polyphenol content, total flavonoids and inhibition potential. E3 has a high inhibition capacity with the lowest IC50 compared to E1 and E2. Mangosteen fruit pericarp extracts contain interesting biactive compounds, thus opening the way for the valorization of these wastes in food and medicine.

Dotanhan Yeo, Abdoul Kawiyou Traore, Boza FulgenceDeabo and Kouassi Dongo

Le trià la source de déchets organiques municipaux est généralement présenté comme la solution pour l’amélioration de la qualité des composts produitsà partir de déchets solides municipaux en Afrique Sub-saharienne. Cependant, l’impact réel de cette pratique sur la qualité des composts produits est encore très peu investigué. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer la qualité chimique et microbiologique des composts produits à base de déchets organiques triés à la source dans la ville de Tiassalé. Pour ce faire, les paramètres physico-chimiques ont été suivis au cours du processus de compostage et des analyses chimiques et microbiologiques ont été réalisées sur des échantillons de composts.Les résultats ont montré que les fortes températures (jusqu’à 70°C) observées au cours du processus de compostage permettaient d’éliminer l’essentiel des germes pathogènes. Les pH des composts produits étaient alcalins (9,10) et leursrapports C/N étaient inférieursà 15, traduisant ainsi la maturité de ces composts. Les composts produits étaient riches en éléments nutritifs et leurs teneurs en métaux lourds largement inférieuresaux seuils autorisés par les normes française et allemande. Ces composts peuvent donc être utilisés en agriculture. Ces résultats confirment donc l’efficacité de la pratique du tri à la source dans l’amélioration de la qualité des composts produits à base de déchets organiques municipaux.

Hadiya, A. H. and Bhoya, U. C.

A new homologous series has been synthesized and studied to explore the impact of adding alkyl chains and a fused heterocyclic ring on mesomorphic properties. The series includes 12 homologues (G1-G12), all of which exhibit smectic mesophase. Textural analysis and phase transition temperatures were measured using polarizing optical microscopy with a heating stage. The molecular structures were confirmed using 1H NMR, FTIR, and mass spectrometry. The incorporation of the 5-amino benzo [1,3] dioxole ring into the molecular structure improved thermal stability, with all derivatives maintaining stability between 48.3°C and 140.4°C. The average thermal stabilities for the smectic was significantly higher than those commonly seen in similar compounds, offering valuable insights for the development of liquid crystalline materials.

Konan Ella N’DRI, Bi Boh Nestor GORE, Koffi Brice Aymar KOUASSI and Doffou Sélastique AKAFFOU

Myrianthus arboreus is an indigenous African species of socio-economic importance, widely distributed in the South Sudanese part of Côte d’Ivoire. A good knowledge of its phenology could contribute to its conservation and sustainable management in the context of climate change. The objective of this study was to analyze some phenophases of Myrianthus arboreus from the localities of Abengourou, Adzopé, Daloa, Diabo and Zouan Hounien in order to consider its possible domestication. For better knowledge of flowering and fruiting leading to fruit maturation, 150 individuals aged at least 5 years were observed during 2018 and 2019. The results revealed that individuals from Diabo and Abengourou flowers from January to February. Those of Daloa, Adzopé and Zouan Hounien flower from January to March. The flowering percentage of male individuals ranges from 53 to 90 %, and that of females is 100 %. The maturation of the male inflorescence of individuals from Abengourou and Diabo lasts 15 ± 2 days while in Adzopé, Daloa and Zouan Hounien lasts 19 ± 2 days. Fruit setting lasts 85 ± 4 days in individuals from Adzopé, Daloa and Zouan Hounien while it lasts 54 ± 4 days in those from Abengourou and Diabo. In individuals from Adzopé and Zouan Hounien, fruiting lasts 170 ± 9 days while it varies between 112 and 142 ± 9 days in those from Abengourou, Daloa and Diabo. Fruit ripening lasts 86 ± 5 days in individuals from Abengourou, Adzopé and Zouan Hounien, on the other hand, it lasts 57 ± 4 days in those from Daloa and Diabo. These data provide an overview of the period, duration of flowering and fruiting of Myrianthus arboreus, for any hybridization tests.


The Birni N'Konnihydro-agricultural structures are hydraulic works utilized for agricultural purposes in this region of Niger. They play a pivotal role in the country's economy. In recent years, these hydraulic infrastructures have been subjected to a multitude of degradation factors, both physical and chemical in nature. The physical factors include erosion, sedimentation, and fatigue, while the chemical factors encompass corrosion and pollution. Additionally, biological factors, particularly the impact of vegetation, have also contributed to the deterioration of these structures. Anthropogenic factors, such as overuse, inadequate maintenance, and design flaws, have also played a role in the observed degradation. For this reason, the primary objective of this study is to conduct a diagnostic analysis of the Konni hydraulic structures with the aim of proposing strategies for enhancing their performance and mitigating their deterioration, particularly during periods of low water levels. The approach adopted is that the integration of computational and design models, in conjunction with protection and maintenance measures, can extend the lifespan of the structures. This will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in irrigation efficiency and a reduction in the frequency of food shortages for local residents and economic losses for producers.

Richhapal Kumawat, S. Godika, S. K. Goyal and Jitendra Sharma

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is one of the major seed spice crop. It suffers from various diseases. Among these diseases, stem rot disease is becoming a considerable threat to the fennel. The present investigation aimed to evaluate eco-friendly approaches viz., Bio agent, plant extracts, and oil cakes to control Sclerotinia rot of fennel under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Maximum disease reduction was observed in the seed treatment + soil application of T. harzianum. All the tested plant extracts inhibit the mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum under in vitro conditions. Garlic (Allium sativum) clove extract gave maximum inhibition (40.40%, 62.60%, and 76.30%) of mycelial growth at 5, 10, and 15 per cent concentration. Seed treatment (ST) and foliar spray (FS) of plant extracts were most effective in managing disease, followed by seed treatment and foliar spray alone. Among plant extracts, garlic (Allium sativum) clove extract was found best in reducing the disease incidence (38.50%) followed by datura (Datura stramonium). Extracts of six oil cakes were screened in vitro for fungitoxicity against S. sclerotiorum, castor, and neem cake were effective in inhibiting mycelial growth. While castor cake was most effective under in vivo conditions for reducing disease incidence, followed by neem cake.

Ibtihal H. M. Hamid, Osman M. Elamin, Ahmed B. A. Khalifa, Shaker Babeker Ahmed and Hala M. Abdalla

Experiment was conducted during January to April of 2022 and 2023 in plastic greenhouse. Plantlets of the released banana cultivar Grand Naine were produced in the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Kassala and Gash Research Station. The experiment consisted of two factors, planting media and irrigation methods; each factor consisted of three types. The treatments were randomly laid out in a split-plot design with three replications. The results showed that the irrigation methods affected plant height, plant girth, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, root length, root girth and number of roots per plant and the values were recorded under drip irrigation with silt. Therefore, the percentages of applied water saving by drip irrigation and sprayer irrigation were (80% and 84%) and (62.5% and 64%), for season one and two respectively, as compared to surface irrigation. Therefore, the economic evaluation indicated that using of drip irrigation with silt was the most stable and economically feasible treatment.

Rasaki, W.A and Omotoso, A.B

Credit is inferred to as an important catalytic in enhancing agricultural production but its access is determined and impeded by many factors. This study consequently examined the determinants of agricultural credit accessibility and challenges faced by farmers in accessing credit in South Western Nigeria. The population of this study comprised farmers in South Western Nigeria. Multi-stages sampling technique was adopted to select 225 farmers who benefitted from agricultural credits. Descriptive statistics was used to investigate the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers. Probit was used to analysed the determinants of credit accessibility. The results revealed that majority (91.1%) of the farmers were male with the average age of 49years. Largest percentage (85.5%) of respondents had formal education. Majority of farmers inherited their land with the average farm size of 5.9 hectares. Micro loan was most (64.4%) mostly available loan. The major problems faced by farmers in accessing credit are; frequent rejection of application, high difficulty in getting guarantor, delay in loan disbursement, high interest rate, high collateral required and administrative bottle-neck. The result of Probit regression indicated that, the marginal effects of years of schooling, main occupation, contact with extension agents, farm size and organization membership showed significant and had positive effects on access to credit. Years of farming experience was significant at 1% level with negative effect on credit accessibility. It was recommended that farmers should endeavour to join one or more farmers’ societies/organizations. Managements of Banks/credit bodies should make loan process simple and collateral required should be reduced.

Mahamadou Issoufou Hassane and Issa Mamadou Abdoul Aziz

L'étude a été réalisée dans la commune rurale de Bandé, située dans la région de Zinder, dans le but d'analyser les impacts socio-économiques et environnementaux de la pêcherie dans les mares. Trois types d'engins de pêche ont été identifié : hameçon, filet maillant et nasse en filet. L'utilisation de la nasse en filet est la plus efficace, préférée par 90,9 % des pêcheurs de Gabi. L`analyse des résultats a révélé que 68,18% des pêcheurs de Gabi, 70,83% des pêcheurs de Guidan Gona et 73,68% des pêcheurs de Sawaya commercialisent leurs captures en condition fraîche. Le fumage est le procédé de conversion le plus répandu. Les poissons sont exportés vers le Nigeria et le Nord du pays. Socialement, la pêche participe aux événements socioculturels. D'un point de vue économique, les pêcheurs ont la possibilité de renouveler leur matériel en utilisant les recettes générées. Les mares de la commune de Bandé font face à des problèmes environnementaux, notamment la prolifération de plantes aquatiques comme le Typha australis, l`ensablement des mares, et l'utilisation d'eau des mares par la population pour ses besoins domestiques.

Mahamadou Issoufou Hassane, Mahamoud Elgou Ghali and Moustapha Amadou Fadalou

Cette étude a étéréalisée dans le but de diagnostiquer l'activité piscicole dans la zone de Niamey. Elle émane des résultats obtenus à l’issue de 3 mois (juillet à septembre, 2023) d’études auprès des pisciculteurs.L'objectif principalde cette étude était de recueillir des données exhaustives sur les aménagements piscicoles de la zone périurbaine de la ville Niamey. En effet, l’enquête a effectué une étude approfondie sur les équipements dédiés à l'élevage de poissons, en vue de dresser un bilan complet de cette activité et de connaitre les contraintes auxquelles font face les producteurs dans la localité. 91% des pisciculteurs sont deshommes, de tranche d’âge majoritairement comprise entre 61 et 70 ans (50%). Plusieurs défis ont été révélés sur la rentabilité de la production qui varie selon les pisciculteurs : ceux bénéficiant de soutiens, de ressources adéquates et d'expérience tirent profit de leur activité, tandis que d'autres rencontrent des difficultés, notamment en raison du manque de soutien des opérateurs économiques et de l’incapacité à trouver des consommateurs en nombre satisfaisant, ainsi que de leur manque d’expérience et du déficit d'organisations non gouvernementales pour les appuyer.

Cheikh Saliou TOURE, Oumou BALDE and Senghane MBODJI

Operating temperature is a critical factor affecting the performance of photovoltaic (PV) modules. In this study, we present models designed to predict the operating temperature of PV modules using ambient temperature and solar irradiance data collected from real measurements in a tropical region. Weather conditions were categorised based on irradiance and temperature levels, and the predicted PV module temperatures obtained from our models were compared with corresponding experimentally measured values. The results demonstrate that the PVSyst and Akhsassi models systematically consistently exhibit a lower Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) compared to other models in the literature across all weather conditions, affirming the reliability of our approach.

Sushilkumar B. Chaudhari and Dilip V. Nakhwa

Mysids or opossum shrimps are grouped under macro-zooplankton which are used for human consumption. Mysids are harvested using hand trawl made of mosquito netting during low tide period at surface water. The study was carried out on monthly basis from one site from Coastal area, three sites from Mangrove estuarine area and three sites from Saltpan twice a month during May 2016 to December 2017.They show significant variation in their availability in different seasons. All the embryos within a single brood pouch were found at the same stage of development. The development of embryos within the brood pouch divided into three distinct stages as “eggs like embryos”, “eyeless embryos” and “eyed embryos”. Mysids from Coastal waters found more fecund than mysids from other Estuarine waters and Salt pan waters. Brood ratio of “Egg like embryos”, “Eyeless embryos” and “Eyed embryos” also indicates that coastal waters are more productive followed by estuarine waters and salt pan waters.

Dr. Vaishali Bhosale

Hair loss can be caused by ennumber of reasons, ATE (acute telogen effluvium) is a common type of hair loss that affects people after they experience severe stress or provoked by stressful events, trauma, illness, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance and drugs. Symptoms include thinning hair, usually around the top of head. Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating hair loss by addressing the underlying causes rather than just the symptoms, by promoting natural healing and restoring balance in the body, homeopathy effectively reduces hair fall and supports re growth.

Dr. Ruhin Fatima

Hair Palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis is characterized by abnormal thickening and roughness of the skin on the palms and soles, often resulting from increased keratin production. This condition can be triggered by various factors, including vitamin A deficiency and chronic exposure to toxins such as arsenic. A 63-year-old male patient with a history of diabetes, hypertension, and schizophrenia developed eczema on his palms and soles, which progressively worsened post-vaccination. The homeopathic approach offers a holistic treatment method that addresses both the physical symptoms and underlying causes. This paper explores the effectiveness of homeopathy in managing hyperkeratosis, particularly in cases with complicating factors such as chronic illness and post-vaccination reactions.

Dr. Maha Mustafa Omer Abdalaziz

The study aims to identify the impact of scientific and technical advancements made possible by two essential components: clear visions and plans. Educational plans for developing education, whether at the national or self-education level, are crucial for human resource development, establishing information and communications infrastructure, and integrating communication technology in education stages, particularly in continuing education. This integration aims to achieve economic, social, and cultural development, as well as to address the challenges and developments brought about by communication technology in the face of a new international system. The significance of this study lies in the advancement of communication technology, which has revolutionized the processing, transfer, and transformation of information globally, breaking down geographical and temporal barriers. The study emphasizes the need for advanced information systems that can effectively utilize modern communication technology. This is particularly important due to the increasing diversity of publishing platforms, information types, languages, fields of knowledge, and beneficiary needs, as well as the limitations of traditional information collection, organization, and dissemination methods in addressing these evolving needs within the context of technical advancements in continuing education.

Waten Chalabi, Laifi, J., Bchetnia, A. and Lafford, T.A.

In the present study, both the GaN buffer layer approach and the sapphire SiN treatment method were used to develop GaN films by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a c-plane (0001) sapphire substrate. The growth was controlled in situ by 632.8 nm laser reflectometry. The GaN-grown layer structure wasinvestigated via high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). TheGaN structural properties improved upon SiN treatment. In addition, spectroscopic transmittance was used to determine the change in the bandgap energy of GaN upon SiN treatment.Spectroscopic ellipsometric (SE) data (ψ and ) acquired in the wavelength range 400-1700 nm, were analyzed using a multilayer approach. The extracted refractive indices were found to follow a Cauchy-type dispersion. Upon SiN treatment, there is a blueshift and a decrease in the refractive index. At 600 nm, the GaN refractive index decreases from 2.395 to 2.374. The SE refractive indices measurements agree with the spectroscopic reflectometry (SR) results.

Ousmane ZONGO, Abdel Kader Hounsouho LINGANI and Siédouba Georges YE

Two rotaryweeders with, conical and hexagonal were developed and their performance was evaluated. Various parameters such as weeding efficiency, plant damage, field capacity and weeding time reduction were considered during the trial. The AfricRice rotary weeder and a hand hoe were used as controls. The Boulbi irrigated paddy field was used as the experimental setting.The trial was conducted in a completely randomized Fisher block design with 4 replications in an SRI. The performance of three weeders, two designed (hexagonal (T2) and conical (T3)) were evaluated with the AfricaRice model (T1) compared to weeding with the manual hoe (T0). Data were collected on performance and yield parameters. They were recorded with XLSTAT Version 2016.02.27444 and subjected to descriptive analyses. The results revealed that among the weeders, the highest actual field capacity was 0.024 ha/h with T3 and the lowest 0.014 ha/h with T1. The lowest percentages of plant damage at 15 DAT and 30 DAT were 0.26% and 0.16% with T0 and the highest 2.63% and 1.80% with T3. Weeding with the weeders reduced labor time for all three weedings by 55% with T1, 65% with T2 and 70% with T3 compared to T0.

Dr. Rajesh Banik

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease characterized by sudden hair loss in round patches, this case study discusses the successful homeopathic treatment of a patient suffering from alopecia areata for two years. The paper outlines the patient's gradual improvement observed over several months. It highlights the effectiveness of homeopathy in managing this condition, emphasizing the importance of constitutional treatment tailored to the individual’s mental and physical symptoms.

Dr. Vikas Jaswal

Guttate psoriasis is a form of psoriasis whose appearance is small, drop-shaped, red lesions covered with silvery scales. This condition commonly affects the trunk, limbs, and scalp, and is more frequently seen in younger individuals, including children and young adults. This case study explores the homeopathic treatment of a 63-year-old male patient with guttate psoriasis, highlighting the gradual improvement in both the skin lesions and overall well-being over several months.

Dr. Nooreen Mohammadi

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by inflammation and damage to various body systems, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, and lungs. Homeopathy provides relief by stimulating body's natural healing processes. This paper presents the case of a professional singer from Texas who, despite conventional treatments continued to suffer from severe illness but after she opted for homeopathy, her improvement was significant as well as discontinuation of steroid use within two months was achieved. This case highlights the potential benefits of homeopathy in managing SLE.

Dr. Panchavarnam

Pediculosis capitis, a common scalp condition caused by infestation with Pediculus humanus capitis (head lice), frequently affects preschool and elementary-aged children, with females being more prone than males. A 45-year-old female presented with severe lice and nits infestation due to lack of hair her hair became matted, causing intense itching and an offensive smell, ultimately leading to the need for head shaving. Homeopathy offers effective treatment for pediculosis capitis, using gentle remedies to achieve a lice-free scalp without harsh chemicals.

BAZONGO Pascal, TRAORÉ Karim, NIGNAN S. Ramadane and TRAORÉ Ouola

In the context of climate change and aridity of soils, the manufacture of enriched compost, from corn stalks and with very little animal manure, has often been proposed to obtain a kind of artificial manure. Composting is a fertilization technique that is well suited to the soil. The present study was initiated in order to contribute to a better knowledge of composting with the addition of substrates under the conditions of Burkina Faso. The study of the composting parameters of a mixture of different substrates forming the following four treatments: T1: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure (Control), T2: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 125kg of BP, T3: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 125kg of dolomite, T4: 600kg of maize stalks + 150kg of manure + 75kg of BP + 75kg of dolomite showed a significant temperature variation in all treatments, with spikes after each turnaround. The initial basic pH decreased for all treatments to approach neutrality at the end of the composting process, especially for the T4 treatment. It should also be noted that there was a decrease in nitrogen concentration, probably due to leaching because of the low initial C/N ratio. This study must continue to determine the maturity of the final product.

Dr. Atul Kumar Sharma

Alopecia totalis (AT) is a chronic condition characterized by complete scalp hair loss, affecting a small percentage of those with alopecia areata (AA), an autoimmune disorder causing non-scarring hair loss. AT is a more extensive form of AA, and when it extends to include total body hair loss, it is termed alopecia universalis. Conventional steroid treatments for alopecia carry significant side effects, while homeopathy offers a safer, more personalized approach that addresses the root cause. This paper discusses the progress and success in treatment of my patient, Mrs. Reshmaben Ganiwala, who has been battling alopecia totalis for six years.

Dr. Animol Gopidas

Erythema Multiforme is a rare, immune-mediated skin disorder that presents with painful, itchy eruptions, often triggered by infections or medications. A 19-year-old male with severe eruptions on his face, shoulders, and back found no relief from conventional treatments. However, homeopathic intervention led to significant improvement within three months, showcasing the potential of homeopathy to provide individualized, effective care. This paper explores the homeopathic approach in treating Erythema Multiforme.

Kimbi Rhoda Beisamoh, Nguemaϊm Ngoufo Flore and Atanga Mary Bi Suh

The assessment phase is the first phase (out of five) of the nursing process which provides all the information needed to initially plan for patient care. It is often performed by nurses when patients are admitted to a health facility, within a maximum of 8hours for stable patients and 24hours for unstable patients at the point of admission. Sometimes, the activities of this phase are well performed. In other times, the performance might not be satisfactory. Opinion seems to suggest that a knowledge gap is responsible for these inconsistencies. The objectives of this study were to identify the activities of the assessment phase, assess the definitions of the assessment phase, identify parameters used in the assessment phase of the nursing process. The study population were nurses at the Regional Hospital Bamenda. Sampling was done using the convenience sampling method. The sample size was 80 nurses. Instrument for data collection was a questionnaire which was self-administered. Ethical clearance was sought as well as informed consent from the participants. Data collected was sorted for completeness, tallied and was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.The results were considered statistically significant when p value was less than 0.05. The results reveal that majority (87.5%) of the nurses were female, 50% were in the age group 20-30years, 55% had a diploma and 58.8% had a working experience of 1-5years. Ninety percent of the nurses knew that assessment was the first step of the nursing process and 50% gave a definite definition of the assessment phase. In all, 68.8% of the participants agreed that all the listed activities were part of the assessment phase of the nursing process. A significant representation of the population, 37.5% of the nurses surprisingly left assessment as a medical doctor’s role, while 52.5% held that it provides the needed data to care for the patient. There was a statistically significant association of p=0.009 between those responsible for assessment and those who neglect it. The results can be used in the sensitization of nurses on the assessment phase of the nursing process through seminars and workshops, as well as reinforce it in training institutions.

Meledje Djedjess Essoh Jules-César, Djamatché Paul Valery Akesse, Kouadio David Léonce, Yapi Yapo Hermann Aristide, Zran Yvan, Gouli Bi Irié Marc and Trokourey Albert

Methylene blue (MB) is a synthetic dye widely used in textile industries. This work describes the application of solar radiation to direct photolysis degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution. Experiments were conducted at room temperature to study the effects of exposure time, solution volume and MB concentration on dye degradation rates. The results show that the maximum amount of methylene blue removed is 6.8 mg/L, obtained at an initial concentration of 10 mg/L, volume of 50 mL and exposure to solar radiation for 5 hours. These results also point to an increased efficacy of direct photolysis of methylene blue as the dye concentration increases. Kinetic model analysis indicates that the absorption of methylene blue follows a first-order kinetics, with a constant velocity k = 1,3 × 10⁻³ min⁻¹. Direct photolysis by solar radiation is an effective method for degrading or even eliminating methylene blue in water.

Alo LIliweri

Currently, computers and the internet are two “things” that cannot be separated. Computers have become “information management centers”. Information is received, stored, retrieved, processed and then exchanged (shared) everywhere. The question of where the information is obtained and then shared means nothing if there is no such thing as the ‘internet’. Does the computer have to be in the form of a ‘Personal Computer, PC?”, ‘Note Book’ or ‘Laptop’. No. The android phone that we hold (we call it a “cell phone”) is also a computer. Cell phones also utilize the internet. So, internet services, with the help of computers, are what allow everyone to communicate centrally. We call all these centralized facilities ‘Computer Mediated Communication’ (CMC).

Dr. Sudeepta Indra

Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP) is a skin condition which is chronic in nature commonly known as hype pigmentation. LPP causes dark patches on sun-exposed areas. This paper explores a case study where efficacy of homeopathy is witnessed in a depressed and hopeless female, almost confined to her home because of her facial condition. After starting homeopathic treatment, she saw incredible results, regained her confidence, and began socializing again. This study highlights how homeopathy can effectively manage LPP and improve patients' lives.

Collen Sandile Nkosi and Maxwell Jingo

A brief overview of the orthopaedic surgery division of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). A review of the literature from 1962 to 2023: this is one of the departments that has contributed greatly to the country, the orthopaedic community, and the world. For the past sixty-one years, the Wits Orthopaedic Surgery department has been led by seven chairs of the department. Under their guidance, the university has produced over hundreds of orthopaedic graduates, including undergraduate and postgraduate students and leaders. Orthopaedic eponyms are regarded as prestigious honours bestowed upon those who have made noteworthy achievements. Eponyms are gradually being replaced by orthopaedic vernacular around the world. Nonetheless, the department still prides itself on Mirels classification, Lautenbach technique, and numerous other eponyms.

NSHUTI Jean Luc and Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala

The study aimed to investigate the impact of inclusive teaching activities on students' mathematical competencies in public secondary schools in Muhanga District, Rwanda. The study aimed to assess the types of inclusive teaching used by teachers, evaluate their effects on mathematical skills, and identify their influence on student competencies. A sample of 188 respondents, including 20 teachers and 161 students from four schools, was selected using purposeful and random sampling techniques. Employing a descriptive research design, both quantitative and qualitative methods were utilized, with data analyzed via SPSS version 21. Findings revealed that a majority of respondents endorsed various inclusive practices: 80.6% supported empathetic practical activities, 84.2% favored technological inclusivity, and 83.9% agreed on the use of learner-centered approaches. The study concluded that these activities significantly enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and motivation among students. Specifically, there was a positive association between empathetic practical activities and improved problem-solving, while learner-centered strategies correlated with enhanced logical reasoning and creativity. The study recommends that the government ensure schools have the necessary resources for implementing inclusive teaching and that MINEDUC evaluate these strategies. Future research should explore the effects of inclusive teaching on student motivation and engagement.

Nasko Elektronov

In the present work, the observation process, connecting the observer with the observed objects, is examined. Criteria limiting the possibility of observation and resulting indeterminacies are defined. Two fundamentally different ways of monitoring are shown - passive and active. Dependencies connecting the observer with the time of life of the objects and the distances between them are derived. A principle of macrouncertainty was formed, according to which the greater the average speed of the observed object, and the greater the distance to it, the greater the inaccuracy of the object's localization.

Kalifa Coulibaly, Issoufou Baggnian, Parfait Kouakou Kouadio, Amadou Zakou, Abdoul Kader Koné and Hassan Bismarck Nacro

L’agro-écologie (AE) est au cœur des débats de nos jours, pour donner une orientation aux systèmes agricoles qui doivent être performants et durables.L’objectif de cette étude était d’analyser la perception des producteurs des pratiques AE importantes en fonction de laproduction agricole, et celles contraignantes dans leur mise en œuvre. Des enquêtes ont été réalisées auprès d’un réseau de 504 producteurs au Niger, au Burkina Faso et en Côte d’Ivoire. Les données collectées ont concerné les caractéristiques socio-démographiques des exploitations agricoles (EA), les pratiques AE.Les résultats montrent que l’association arbustes-cultures, l’amendement organique, l’insertion des légumineuses et les dispositifs anti-érosifs sont perçus par les producteurs comme étant les pratiques AE les plus importantes dans la production agricole. Globalement, les pratiques AE qui présentent plus de contraintes de mise en œuvre sont l’agroforesterie (association arbres/arbustes-cultures), l’association céréales-légumineuses, et les dispositifs anti-érosifs. De façon spécifique, le paillage et l’amendement organique apparaissent également comme des pratiques AE les plus contraignantes à mettre en œuvre, respectivementau Burkina Faso au Niger. Ces résultats suggèrent de mieux structurer les chaines de valeurs autour des légumineuses, de la fumure organique et de l’agroforesterie pour en faire des leviers d’actions pour une transition AE réussie en Afrique subsaharienne. Il faut également que tout cela soit soutenu par des politiques agricoles mieux articulées autour des évolutions futures des agricultures qui prennent en compte la dynamique démographique des pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne et la dimension environnementale.

Mahesh, L., Ahire, R.D., Deshmuck P, R., Venkateshwar Rao, N.

The present research conducted in Adilabad and Mahabubnagar districts of Telangana state was purposively selected for the study. A sample of 240 farmers was selected for the study.An ex-post facto research design was adopted. The analysis of the adaptability of the cotton growers indicates that the majority of the respondents had medium (65.83%) level of adaptation followed by high (18.33%) and low (15.83%) levels of adaptability.Farming experience, land holding, family size, achievement motivation, credit and subsidy orientation and risk orientation were positively and significantly related tothe extent of adaptation measures in combating climate variability. Age, annual income, extension contact, social participation, and Cosmo politeness preparedness to adaptation showed a non-significant relationship with the adaptability of cotton growers towards climate variability.

N.C. Cabaral-Lasaca and J.B. Daculio

With Heat stress causes detrimental effects on duck production which generate negative economic impacts. Thus, raising Pekin duck as heat stress tolerant breeds and are well-adapted to Philippine climate and feeding azolla that is well-known for its high crude protein, lysine and glutamine that can combat heat stress due to immune-modulatory effect is indeed significant alternative strategy. The study aimed to determine the stress level, behavior and economics of pekin duck fed with different levels of fresh azolla raised under induced heat stress. Significant differences among dietary treatments were analyzed using Scheffe’s Test. Findings showed that pekin ducks fed with azolla have significantly heavier final weights and lower blood and urine cortisol level. Moreover, feeding azolla did not trigger any aggressive behavior and molting and significantly reduced the feather pecking behavior. Pekin ducks fed with azolla raised under induced heat stress significantly improved the eating percentage. In general, pekin ducks provided with 50%-75% azolla have significantly higher incurred net income and ROI. Generally, provision of azolla up to 75% in dietary ration is recommended for farmer’s adaptation to improved eating habit while lowering blood and urine cortisol and reducing aggression of ducks and increase profit even under induced heat stress.

Serigne DIOP, Oustasse Abdoulaye Sall, Déthié SARR and Makhaly BA

The aim of the work is to valorize the unconventional fly ash from the Bargny coal-fired power plant, in order to address issues related to the durability of concrete structures, as well as to provide economic and environmental solutions linked to the storage of industrial waste. To this end, a physico-chemical, mineralogical and mechanical characterization of hydraulic binders was carried out at the DANGOTE cement plant laboratory. Firstly, CEM II/B 32.5 R cement from the said plant was substituted with fly ash at different substitution rates (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%). Subsequently, a cement, with limestone, clinker, phosphogypsum and ash as raw materials substituting clinker at different tenements (5%, 10% and 20%), was designed and produced. After formulation and considering the results obtained, we can say that, on the one hand, the use of fly ash as a substitute product increases the Blaine specific surface area of the cement produced, and therefore its workability, and on the other hand that the mechanical strengths at 2 days and 28 days are within the limits acceptable under NF EN 196-1 regulations for a substitution rate of up to 20%.

Cabaral-Lasaca, N.C., Atienza, R.D. and Terones, L.E.

With the ultimate goal of sustaining eco-friendly goat farming, identifying high quality feeds and preservation techniques to improved utilization efficiency which reduces GHGs, is vital to improve the overall goat productivity and elevate raisers profit. The study aims to determine the feeding efficiency of varieties of napiergrass fermented with various substrates on the growth, in-vivo digestibility and economics in raising upgraded goats. Study was laid-out following RCB design, where goats are treated with varieties of napiergrass fermented with different substrates and data were analyzed using Tukey-Kramer Test. Florida cultivar has the highest DM, protein content, and lactic acid content with 30.10%, 5.91g/100g and 32.80%, respectively. Silage fermented with wheat bran have the highest DM of 31.3%-45%, 5.18%-7.03% CP, and 33.0-39.0% lactic acid. Florida significantly improved weight gain (WTG), average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), digestibility of forage, grasses, and silage, net income and ROI. Wheat bran in silage significantly improved final weight (FWT), WTG, ADG, FCR, digestibility of forage, grasses, silage, legumes, net income and ROI. Generally, raising goats fed with Florida silage fermented with wheat bran improved the forage, grasses, silage, and legume digestibility, which consequently improved the growth and eventually increases profit in raising upgraded goats.

Dr. Md. Akbal Husen

Globally, demands of fish have been increasing due to awareness of peoples about health. Live table size fish marketing is now becoming popular due to preference of consumer andalso fetch higher price in the market. The traditional methods of live fish transportation have significant fish mortality due to transportation stress and thus economic losses. The objective of this study was to standardize the doses of clove oil for handling and transportation as well as loading weight of fish. The presents study has found that optimum doses of clove oil for handling was 0.03-0.05ml/Lfor carp fish species and doses for the transportation of live fish (table size) was rangesfrom 5.0 to7.5 µl/litre of water. The present study showed that the optimum loading weight of fish (approximate 1-2kg size) was 40kg/500 litre water for safe fish transportation. Precaution should be taken to reduce the stress during harvesting, loading, transportation of table size fish. The farmers and venders should follow the recommended practices such as harvesting in the cool time, proper conditioning,optimum loading weight, use of sedatives and aeration in the transportation system to supply healthy table fish for the consumers and mitigate the stress related mortality.

Bazongo Georges, Traoré Karim, Bazongo Pascal, Traoré Batiemoko and Hien Mipro

The shea tree is the one of the most important tree in the Sahel because of it economic, social and other ecosystem services for the local communities. This study aims to evaluate the level of natural regeneration of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn (shea) and others important trees in the agroforestry parks using the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) technique in the villages of Dongo, Katcheli and Torem, in South Central region of Burkina Faso. For this, FMNR was evaluated in five (5) farmers’ fields per village and fifteen (15) fields for the 3 villages. In each field, the assessment was done in Five (5) plots of 2,000 m2, for an exhaustive inventory of all tree species. The results show that the tree species with a regular distribution in the field are in population importance order Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn, Pilliostigma reticulatum, Diospyros mespiliformis, Gardenia erubescens, Adansonia digitata, and Azardirachta indica. The assessment also shows that The global trees regeneration rate is 48.62% in Katcheli, 46.51% in Torem and 33.06% in Dongo. These rates are below 50% and this is mainly due to land preparation for crop production in these agroforestry parks. The dominant tree naturally regenerated and managed by farmers is Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn (shea), representing 85.39% in Torem, 75% in Dongo and 69.14% in Katcheli. The Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) technique can be used to increase the regeneration if farmers are trained and closely followed.

Leiyami Ahungshi, Anjana Dhar and Mainul Hoque

Depletion of crude oil reservoirs around the world increased the costs of crude oil, and also the issues related to the environment seemed to be an emerging problem with the potential to shape human lives in profound ways. These problems are perhaps in great need of attention from the researchers to find an alternative way to build a sustainable environment. Many current articles focus on vegetable-based lubricants which are eco-friendly, biodegradable, renewable, and sustainable and have gained popularity and are accepted globally. Therefore, vegetable-based lubricant has become a potential alternative to conventional petro-based lubricant. Vegetable-basedlubricants are not widely commercialized due to their inappropriate chemical structure which leads to poor oxidative stability, poor corrosion protection, susceptibility to hydrolytic breakdown, solidification at low temperatures, poor flow, and poor viscosity index which lags them during application in odd conditions. The challenge in this field of study is to improve the above-mentioned properties and characteristics of vegetable oil without degrading their excellent tribological and environmentally applicable properties. The structural problem related to vegetable oil can be overcome by chemical modification to make it fit for the application of lubricant. Parameters like temperature, catalyst concentration, duration, and methanol oil ratio are necessary to obtain a better yield. The final ester obtained depends on the nature of alcohol and the use of a catalyst becomes necessary when the alcohol used is a complex type.