The aim of this study is to assess the level of knowledge regarding government schemes available for geriatrics among elderly individuals residing in rural areas. The objective of the study was To assess the level of knowledge about geriatric government scheme among rural dwelling geriatrics at Trichy district, To find the association of knowledge score among rural dwelling geriatrics regarding geriatric government schemes with their selected demographic variables. The descriptive research design was adopted this study.50 geriatrics were selected by using Non probability convenient sampling technique. The level of knowledge was assessed by using self-structured knowledge questionnaires. Results shows thatKnowledge regarding geriatric government scheme among 50 geriatrics 2 (4%) of them had inadequate knowledge, 38 (76 %) of them hadmoderateknowledgeand 10(20%) of them had adequate knowledge regardinggeriatric scheme. The study concluded that the most of the geriatrics has moderate knowledge regarding geriatrics government schemes. There was no significant association between knowledge and demographics variables among dwelling geriatrics.