Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Social Sciences and Humanities

Investment of Congolese middle school students in Motor Task in Pes: Practice time main Indicator of Motor Engagement

The student's motor engagement reflects his personal investment in achieving a goal that he has set for himself, or that has been assigned to him. The motor task is the main lever allowing the teacher to mobilize the student's resources, motivate him and promote his progress. This study is based on the theories of self-determination and contextual motivation.

Effects of the Individualism vs. Communitarianism Dimension of the culture of the actors on the Structure of Coopetition between Vses

This paper attempts to show the effect of the culture of the coopetitors on the two components of coopetition, between VSEs. Our methodology is quantitative exploratory based on data from a questionnaire administered to 652 drivers of eleven nationalities. Correspondence factor analysis and moderation and mediation tests were used to process the data. The exploration indicates that individualistic national and transnational cultures influence the structure of coopetition. The tests specify these influences.

Identification of Mining areas by Multi-Criteria Analysis, using the potential of radar and optical imagery in the departments of abtouyour and Guéra: Chadian central massif

This work deals with the potential of radar and optical imagery in mapping favorable sites for gold and uranium prospecting in the departments of Abtouyour and Guéra. The objective of this work is to identify potential sites for gold and uranium prospecting. Landsat 9 images, Aster images and Palsar images were used as input data. The lineaments of the study area were extracted from the Palsar images and subsequently validated by geophysical data.

Management of Chronic Liver Disease with Homeopathy

This Chronic liver disease refers to a progressive condition affecting liver function due to factors like fatty liver, infections, or toxin exposure, often leading to inflammation and fibrosis. A 24-year-old male came to Dr Batra’s Panchkula clinic with grade 1 fatty liver and a 4-year history of elevated liver enzymes sought homeopathic treatment. Within just one month of homeopathic intervention, his liver function tests normalized, highlighting the potential of a holistic approach to manage CLD effectively while improving overall health and immunity.

Combined effects of pig slurry and Mineral Fertilizers on Maize yield Parameters and Physico-chemical Properties of Tropical Ferruginous Soil

Agriculture in Burkina Faso faces a number of difficulties, including climatic constraints and poor soil conditions. Added to this is the high cost of chemical fertilizers. However, effluents such as pig slurry are multiple sources of plant nutrients, and would enable more eco-responsible management of these dejecta. The study was conducted over two consecutive years at the FarakoBâ experimental station in Burkina Faso. The experimental set-up is a completely randomized fisher block.

Why traditional economic models of market structure do not apply to digital business platforms

This paper analyses why traditional market models, such as perfect competition,monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and duopoly, are not suitableforthe dynamics of digital business platforms. While these models were developed for traditional physical goods and services markets, digital platforms introduce unique characteristics like network effects, low marginal costs, multi-homing, and data-driven competition that alter the competitive landscape.

Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Agroforestry under Climate change Effects in the Foothills of Mumirwa, Burundi

Natural resources are facing serious degradation all over the world as a result of rapid population growth. This galloping population puts pressure on agroforestry ecosystems around the world. Yet, developing countries do not have methods to appraise the economic value of services provided by these ecosystems. They offer many opportunities to improve people’s livelihoods. However, trapped in the socio-economic development process, agroforestry faces different threats including: deforestation, soil degradation, pollution, overexploitation of biotic and abiotic resources, etc.

The future of Development Finance: Scaling impact through Digital Innovation and Dfis

Growth finance institutions are essential for financing economic growth. These specialized banks cover gaps in the market. They provide long-term financial options that are often not accessible through traditional banks. They focus on funding development projects in regions that are neglected by conventional lenders. To address significant financial gaps, DFIs employ infrastructure loans, equity investments, and technical assistance. They help spark private investment for social and economic progress.Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are specialized financial institutions.

Morphometric and Hydrological Characterization of the lotio Watershed at Longorala in the Sikasso-Mali Circle

For better watershed control, protection, water resource planning and seabed development; it is important to aquire master the its physical environment. The aim of this study is to understand the hydrological functioning of the watershed through its physical environment in order to successfully manage it. The data from the 30 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and the 1/200,000 scale urban mapping of the study area were used. The description of the watershed showed that it is an elongated and covers an area of 498.78 km2.

Geological and Structural Mapping of the Ouaddaï Massif using Landsat and Radar Data

The aim of the work was to produce a geological and structural map of the Ouaddai massif using landsat and radar data. We used landsat-8 images to extract the lithological map (colour composition and ratio bands) and PALSAR DEM radar to extract the lineament map (using different filters). For the radar sensor, a total of 2188 lineaments were detected and extracted, with two main rock fracturing directions (ESE-WNW (90° to 115°) and NE-SW (45° to 65°)).