Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

May 2018

Shergill, J. S., Sharma, S., Sunkaria, B. L. and Kaur, R.

Background: Treatment of a number of complications that occur after abdominal surgeries may require Urgent Relaparotomy (UR), the life-saving and obligatory operations- performed. Aim: The objectives of this study was to evaluate the reasons for...

Vinayak, S., Thangadurai, K., Gayatri R., and AnilSundaresan

Background:Theeneer, the hydro distillate formulations of Siddha medicine is getting popularity and wide clinical acceptance owing to its faster therapeutic outcome. The raw drugs single or compound is preprocessed and subjected to distillation...

Atahar Parvez Daulatabadi and Dr. Raisinghani, M.

The Indian highway development sector has seen unprecedented scale of programs in last couple of decades which also resulted experience-based generation of knowledge. One of the areas where this sector has developed is the Form of Contract...

Lassané Tarpaga, Mabinty Bayo-Bangoura, Seydou Ouédraogo and Karifa Bayo

Iron phthalocyanine (FePc), iron octocarboxyphthalocyanine [(COOH)8FePc] and their complexes carrying axial ligands were prepared and studied by vibrational and optical spectrometry. The ligands used are: pyridine and its derivatives 3-Rpyridine...

Meena, S. Kingsley, A. Essakky Pandiyan, G. and Antony Duraichi, R.

The Emergence of new infectious diseases, the resurgence of several infections that appeared to have been controlled and the increase in bacterial resistance have created the necessity for studies directed towards the development of new...

Sambasiva Rao, K. and Taye Amogne Kebede

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the individual and firm specific factors influencing entrepreneurial performance in Addis Ababa City. The study used both primary and secondary data types. The primary data were collected from a sample...


This study examined the trend of inflation in Nigeria and the impact of inflation on output growth and inflation trend in Nigeria from 1970-2012. Findings revealed that inflation rate, interest rate, exchange rate, gross domestic product and...

Dr. Melika Baes and Roomina Ehteshami

Koi (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) is a domesticated colored variant group of Amur Carps originally found in Asia and Central Europe. The colorful scale pattern has made Koi fishes one of the most popular aquarium fishes worldwide. A case of a female...

Dr. Mulay, J. R.

Since, ancient times, Different extracts from traditional medicinal plants have been tested to identify the source of the therapeutic effects. Calotropisgigantia R, Br. (leaf) extract made in Methanol, Petroleum ether contains different secondary...

Obaidullah GHAFORY, Ricky E. FOSTER, Stephen C. WELLER and Kevin T. MCNAMARA

Various weed management techniques were compared for efficacy and effect on tomato yield in 2014 field studies in Herat, Afghanistan. All weed management treatments resulted in lower dry weights of weeds compared to the untreated weedy control....

Rafael Infante

The temperature and precipitation trends from 1901 to 2015 for the United States island state and territories are presented. The area of study has similar climate and topographic characteristics. The data shows a slight temperature increase with...

Sana'a Abdulrazzaq Ibrahim

Introduction: It has been suggested that vitamin C deficiency is associated with gingival inflammatory changes; however, the disorder is infrequently encountered in the time. But there are many cases of extensive gingival overgrowth caused by...

Razak Wahab, Nasihah Mokhtar, Ros Syazmini Mohd Ghani, Mohamad Saiful Sulaiman, and Hashim W. Samsi

The effect of heat treatment on tropical bamboo Gigantochloa scortechinii on the physical, strength and durability were studied. Matured bamboo culms of 4-year-old culms were harvested and subjected to high-temperature condition using palm oil as...

ORIA, Rademene S., MBA, Christian E., ENUN, Bassey E. and OSADIM, Elizabeth, M.

Evaluation of Canthal dimensions can be employed in identification of the sex, age and ethnicity. It is also a vital part of craniofacial anthropometry. This study was aimed at obtaining normal values of canthal dimensions in adults of the...

Amarjeet Kaur, Kuljeet Kaur and Amanveer Kaur

In order to study the role of IBA and PHB on success of cuttings of fig cv. Brown Turkey an investigation was conducted at the nursery of Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College, Amritsar during 2016-2017. Ten treatments were used comprising...

Ricardo Pateiro Marcão, Gabriel Pestana, Maria José Sousa and Stéphanie Monteiro

The development of medical prototypes is an industrial process with a strong research and development component in the laboratory where all activities, although of a confidential nature, are monitored. In addition to being followed worldwide...

Mandeep Kaur and Amarjeet Kaur

A field study was conducted in the guava orchard of Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College, Amritsar during 2017-2018 to study the effect of various mulches on yield and quality of guava cv. L-49. The plants of guava were mulched with paddy...

Heni Vonni Rerey, Nurmiaty, Agussalim and Fachry Amal

Objectives: Pre-marital sex is increasing all the year in the city of Jayapura, which is inhabited by several tribes among the other tribes such us Tobati and Enggros. The influence of location on the development of Tobati and Engros tribal...

Jaskarn Singh

This paper investigates the wonders of the development of the utilization of Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning in advanced education. It explores parts and effect of AI in advanced education and ramifications of rising advances in...

Kolamala Jhansi Rani, Moramreddy Radha and Radhika, K.

In orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) based massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink system, the problem of peak-to-average power ratio proportion (PAPR) decrease is examined. OFDM consist of more number of...

Ahmed Mohammed Bakere, Mitiku Daba Firdi and Solomon Bati Kejela

This paper presents analytical solutions of a Poiseulle flow of incompressible fluid between two fixed upright concentric circular cylinders subject to slip boundary conditions by considering three different cases. In each case steady state...

Najet Medssia, Wiem ben Khalifa and Khaled Ghédira

The use of personal cars presents major environmental challenges in terms of climate change, air pollution and noise pollution the government assumed to solve these objections such as pollution and energy consumption, the multi-modal transport as...

Galmai Orozi, Yacoub Idriss Halawlaw, Njipouakouyou Samuel, Mbanhoguina Alladoum, Djergo Gaya and Gabsoubo Hinnene Zeuhiinba

In this paper we try to emphasize the effect of cumulus congestus cloud seeding in sahelian zone, using hygroscopic salts. For this purpose we first studied the climatic variability and impact on agricultural sector, livestock and water....

Ogot, N.O., Pittchar, J.O., Midega, C.A.O., and Khan, Z.R.

Livestock rearing link to food security and nutrition is an important aspect to farmers and research institutions. Push-pull technology, an innovation at International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), has been distinguished as an...

Farhat, J. and Bali, N.P.

The increasing use of heavy metals in various industries has lead to an increase in their environmental burden. Nickel represents a good example of a metal which is being widely used in modern technologies, such as nickel plating, ceramics,...

Mohammed, A.S.H., Ibrahim, A.A., and El- Bialee, N.M.

Using water regime and biophysical applications on expansion agricultural area are very obligatory to achieve self sufficiency of crops. Pretreated cowpea seeds by four - doses (G) 0, 15, 25 and 35 Krad., were grown till maturity to determined...

Lutfi AKIN

Our aim of this paper is to prove two-weight criterions for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator from weighted Lebesgue spaces into Banach function spaces (BFS). We used boundedness of geometric mean operator and sufficient condition on the...

Ramija, B.

E-Commerce is currently one of the most important aspects of the Internet to emerge. Ecommerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance. Electronic commerce has expanded rapidly over the...

Philippe Kabwita Muyumba, Benoit Kashal Chiteng, Jack George Jumbe, Findje Elago, Katuta Bwaya, Kimenyembo Kasongo. M.F

In this research paper, differential triads over a topological space X are defined as objects of the Cartesian product category Alg×_X F^d ×_X DMod over the same fixed topological space X. From differential triads sheaves (A_iX 〖 ,∂_iX,Ω〗_iX )...

Pandichelvi, V., Sivakamasundari, P. and Rajalakshmi, S.

Stu The bi-quadratic non-homogeneous equation with three unknowns represented by the Diophantine equation is analyzed for its patterns of non –zero distinct integral solutions.

Adel Marayta, Mosab Amoudi, Wael Abuhassan, and Tamara Rizqallah.

Background: Physiotherapists are exposed to many risk factors and occupational injuries in their work environment. The practice of physiotherapy requires the performance of many intensive tasks related to patient care. Such activities include...

Dr. Jennifer B. Gonzales

This study describes the level of readiness, relevance and resources of the DepEd teachers as personally perceived and as observed by the school heads. This study is conducted to formulate an emergent theory which could be helpful in providing...

Shanti Sagar, Srivani, M., Lavanya, S., Basavaraj K. Nanjwade and Sunitha Reddy, M.

Soft and jelly like structure, physical properties, higher permeability and release of entrapped drug in controlled and lower interfacial tension, manner have made hydrogels to focus on exploration in different biomedical fields in particular...

Sharad G. Jagtap and Vitthalrao B. Khyade

The potential regarding antioxidant activity of Moracin has been assessed through the use of hydrogen peroxide induced stress in skin fibroblast cell line culture (AH927). The results of the attempt showed that the Moracin offers protection...

Simon Joseph, Mohamed Mustafa, Yasir Abdelazeezd, Ahmed Sufyanand and Murtada Amin

We introduce the notation of admissible subgroup H of G=R^((1+ε))⋊Sp(1+ε,R) relative to the (extended) metapletic representation μ_e via the wigner distribution. Under mild additional assumptions, it is shown to be equivalent to the fact that the...

Ugwuezumba, P.C, Nwankpa, P., Emengaha, F.C., Egwurugwu, J.N., Ebirim, C., Ekweogu, C.N., Chukwuemeka, O.G. and Etteh, C.C.

This study was conducted to assess the effect of ethanol leaf and root extracts of Sida acuta on the haematological parameters of albino wistar rats. Twenty eight (28) wistar rats were randomly selected, divided into four equal groups for the...

Sreenamma, B., Uday Kumar, K., Sai Neeharika, L., Naga Rajini, M. and Nageswara Rao, V.

Stud The present study comprises of the evaluation of mass transfer rates at the outer wall of the electrochemical cell. Mass transfer coefficients were evaluated from the measured limiting currents technique. The study covers the influence of...