Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Physical Sciences and Engineering

Homeopathic success in treating palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis

Hair Palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis is characterized by abnormal thickening and roughness of the skin on the palms and soles, often resulting from increased keratin production. This condition can be triggered by various factors, including vitamin A deficiency and chronic exposure to toxins such as arsenic. A 63-year-old male patient with a history of diabetes, hypertension, and schizophrenia developed eczema on his palms and soles, which progressively worsened post-vaccination.

A study of the effects of SiN Treatment on the GaN Refractive Index

In the present study, both the GaN buffer layer approach and the sapphire SiN treatment method were used to develop GaN films by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a c-plane (0001) sapphire substrate. The growth was controlled in situ by 632.8 nm laser reflectometry. The GaN-grown layer structure wasinvestigated via high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). TheGaN structural properties improved upon SiN treatment.

Effect of inclusive teaching activities in classrooms on students' competencies in mathematics in Public Secondary Schools of Rwanda

The study aimed to investigate the impact of inclusive teaching activities on students' mathematical competencies in public secondary schools in Muhanga District, Rwanda. The study aimed to assess the types of inclusive teaching used by teachers, evaluate their effects on mathematical skills, and identify their influence on student competencies. A sample of 188 respondents, including 20 teachers and 161 students from four schools, was selected using purposeful and random sampling techniques.

Indeterminacies at the Observation

In the present work, the observation process, connecting the observer with the observed objects, is examined. Criteria limiting the possibility of observation and resulting indeterminacies are defined. Two fundamentally different ways of monitoring are shown - passive and active. Dependencies connecting the observer with the time of life of the objects and the distances between them are derived.

Perception Paysanne des Pratiquesagro-Écologiques en Afrique Subsaharienne

L’agro-écologie (AE) est au cœur des débats de nos jours, pour donner une orientation aux systèmes agricoles qui doivent être performants et durables.L’objectif de cette étude était d’analyser la perception des producteurs des pratiques AE importantes en fonction de laproduction agricole, et celles contraignantes dans leur mise en œuvre. Des enquêtes ont été réalisées auprès d’un réseau de 504 producteurs au Niger, au Burkina Faso et en Côte d’Ivoire.

Biolubricant Production from Vegetable oil Through Transesterification using Catalyst: A Review

Depletion of crude oil reservoirs around the world increased the costs of crude oil, and also the issues related to the environment seemed to be an emerging problem with the potential to shape human lives in profound ways. These problems are perhaps in great need of attention from the researchers to find an alternative way to build a sustainable environment. Many current articles focus on vegetable-based lubricants which are eco-friendly, biodegradable, renewable, and sustainable and have gained popularity and are accepted globally.

Interventions en Matiere de Pratiques Civiques et Citoyennes pour lutter contre L’incivisme en Milieu Scolaire et Perceptions des Enseignants

A partir de 306 questionnaires remplis par des enseignants de 22 établissements et du corpus textuel obtenu de 99 entretiens de plusieurs groupes cibles, la présente analyse en lien avec l’« étude sur les bonnes pratiques civiques et citoyennes dans les enseignements post-primaire et secondaire au Burkina Faso : contenus et stratégies de formation des acteurs »,permet de connaître les interventions qui sont mises en œuvre pour lutter contre l’incivisme au sein des établissements par le canal des pratiques civiques et citoyennes.

Evaluation of the RCA4 model to Simulate past Temperatures and Projections under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Scenarios on Niger

Le Sahel fait partie des zones de la planète les plus vulnérables face au réchauffement global. Mais des modèles climatiques avec comme données d’entrée les trajectoires des gaz à effet de serre, permettent d’anticiper le changement futur du climat. Ainsi plusieurs scénarios d’émission des gaz à effet de serre sont utilisés pour réaliser des simulations d’évolution de certains paramètres climatiques comme températureet précipitation.

Determination of a certain number of drying parameters of a solar dryer equipped with a concrete storage system

The conservation of agricultural products constitutes a problem for Burkinabè farmers in particular. They use more preservation methods including solar drying. However, the majority place their products on plastic films, mats, even on the ground under solar radiation and exposed to insects, animals, wind or dust. In order to improve drying and hygiene conditions, several solar dryers have been invented but do not have a storage system that can continue drying after sunset. It is in this sense of solving this problem that we set out to design a solar dryer with energy storage.

The risk of abuse of arbitration proceedings in jurisdictions where corruption is pervasive: Strategies for mitigation and reform

This article focuses on the issue of arbitration misuse in jurisdictions that are susceptible to corruption and presents solutions to mitigate this problem. This underscores the vulnerability of arbitration, a highly regarded mechanism for settling commercial and international conflicts, to corruption, which undermines its integrity and impartiality. The paper examines many types of abuse, such as conflicts of interest and transparency concerns, and their effects on legal and economic institutions.