Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

December 2022

DA Isdine Aziz Nambon, TRAORE Karim, TRAORE Adama, BAZONGO Pascal, TRAORE Ouola and NACRO Hassan Bismarck

Le coton est une culture stratégique pour le Burkina Faso car source d’entrée de devises et permettant la modernisation des exploitations. Cependant,la productivité des cultures dans les systèmesà base de coton de plus en plus faible s’explique...

Philani Ntombela, Wofhatwa Ndou, Nkhondiseni Sikhauli, Lipalo Mokete and Mampapatla Ramokgopa

Aim: To determine whether peri-operative cell phone massaging patients undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty improves the satisfaction rate. Methods: We conducted a RCT of 90 patients and were left with 80 patients at final analysis, 40...

Hèzouwè Bassaï BODJONA, Agapi K. HOUANOU, Yawovi M. X. Dany AYITE, Ouro-Djobo E. SAMAH and Antoine VIANOU

Togo, like many other West African countries, does not have precise data on the nature of the temperature variation cycle on pavements, even though they are subject to an aggressive tropical climate, warm in nature. The bituminous mixes used on...

Haileab Zegeye

This review highlights ecosystem services from a global perspective. The Earth holds diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems support all life on Earth. Humans derive enormous benefits, directly or indirectly, from ecosystems....

Dr. Anil Kumar and Dr. Satendra Kumar

Herbal remedies are plants like a medicine. some herbs can make you feel better and help keep healthy. It is more acceptable to believe that natural remedies are safer with synthetic than with fewer side effects. The global market demand of...

Mamane Souleye Ibrahim and Oumarou Abdou Arbi

In this paper, we consider the polytope P(G) of all elementary dicycles of the digraph G. Using the concept of affinely independence, we show how to construct elementary dicycles that incidence vectors are affinelyindependent. This technique is...

Mamane Souleye Ibrahim and Belko Boubacar

In this paper, given an undirected graph G = (V,E), with |V | = n, we introduce a new integer linear description of the polytope PT (G) of p−vertex spanning subtrees of G. A p−vertex spanning subtree is a subtree that spans p < n vertices of G...

Badic Cristina Elena

This article provides information on the diagnosis of amelanotic melanoma in a young 40-year-oldpatientwith localization in the alveolar process of the 8th tooth of the lower jaw on the right side. During investigation and treatment for melanoma...

Dr. Tarun Shetty and Dr. Kamini Chavan

Lipoma is a common soft tissue tumor, occurring in different parts of the body. Lipoma originating in the oral mucosa is a rare presentation contributing around 1% to 5% of benign oral tumors. It typically presents as an asymptomatic yellowish...

Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich

Based on laboratory studies, the article substantiates the scope of application, efficiency, reliability and the possibility of maximum extraction of oil reserves from multi-layer oil and gas horizons with a large depth of occurrence, composed of...

Hamadou ABDOU, EKENGELE Nga Léopold, Mahamat Seid Ali MALLOUM and Dieudonné BITOM

The main objective of this study was to assess the macromorphological and physicochemical characterization of two types of agricultural soils in the town of Abeche. The hydromorphic soils and brown steppe soils have been retained. Data collection...