Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Seasonal variation of mosquitoes in relation to abiotic environmental factors in beed district of Maharashtra, India

The present study gives an overview of data on the biodiversity of mosquitoes. The distribution pattern of mosquitoes is related to habitat preference. These habitats may be natural or man-made. Mosquitoes are carriers of number of diseases. The study was carried out for one year during August 2019 to July 2020. Collection of mosquito species from different nine geographical regions of Ashti tehsil, District Beed (M.S.). Mosquitoes were collected at different habitats. A total number of 3274 mosquitoes were collected from nine different localities. A diverse collection of Mosquitos reveals the presence of Seventeen species belonging to five genera i.e. Anopheles, Aedes, Culex Armigeres and Mansonia. Anopheles genus dominated with seven species. The highest population of mosquito species observed in the rainy season in the month of September. Whereas density of mosquito species was observed least in the summer, in the month of February. Genus wise Contribution (percentage) of Mosquitos was dominated by Anopheles sp. (33.87%), followed by Aedes sp. (28.68%) ,Culex sp. (26.66%), Armigeres sp. (8.77%) and Mansonia Sp (2.02%). The most dominant species collected from study areas was Culex quinquefasciatus (18.7%) followed by An. subpictus (9.8%) , Aedes aegypti (9.32%) and An. culicifacies (8.86 %) and the least collected species was Anopheles gigas (1.68%).

Khaire B. S.
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