Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

November 2020

Sudhir Kumar, Neerja Singh and Manjula K Saxena

The duckweed bioassay was performed in small disposable pots to examine the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of Bt cotton and Non-Bt cotton in laboratory. Fifteen pots were set up with five replicates, each filled with different concn...

Bhimraj Gawade, Mahemud Shaikh and Mazahar Farooqui

Leaf of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) plant have been used as traditional folk medicines especially in Africa and southern Asia in the form of juice to treat diarrhea, curing anthrax, dysentery, cuts and clean malignant wounds. So this study is...

Pradnya R Maheshmalkar, Shivanand V Kshirsagar and Shafiyoddin B Sayyad

This paper presents a review of the remote sensing technique, capabilities of sensors for healthcare, several studies of applications of remote sensing. The sensor technologies and data processing techniques have achieved much progress. Varieties...

DJIWONOU Koffi Jean-Baptiste, N’GAMAN-KOUASSI Christelle, CHERIF Aïcha, DOGBO Dénézon Odette, MAMYRBEKOVA-BEKRO JanatAkhanovna and BEKRO Yves-Alain

Piper cubeba is a species of pepper with tail, known for its many medicinal properties. The present study first focuses on the qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening, then on the antioxidant potential measured by spectrophotometry...

HOUNSOU B. Mathieu, AHAMIDE Bernard, DOVONOU E. Flavien, KPODONOU Hector and SINTONDJI O. Luc

Les effets induits par les changements climatiques constituent de nos jours des défis majeurs pour l’humanité. Les agriculteurs en particulier, ceux africains doivent désormais faire face à ces risques en recherchant des méthodes d’adaptation...

Sivagnanam, S. and Paramasivan, S.

Skeletons are three dimensional specimens useful in teaching and learning process. Dog skeletons prepared in a neat and legible manner will be a better teaching aid and museum exhibit. In this research novel techniques were introduced in...

Akhila Sathukumati, Nagaraju Potnuri and JVC Sharma

The present study aimed to increase the Solubility and Dissolution rate of Eplerenone by formulation of Eplerenone nanosuspension by using nanoprecipitation technique. Poor solubility and slow dissolution rate are major issues for the majority of...

Swati Kimothi, Y.S. Dhaliwal and Rajni Modgil

The present study was carried out to develop kidney beans pinni which would be nutritious for the body. This is a ready to eat snack which can be easily eaten by the individuals. To prepare pinni kidney beans and wheat flour was used and they...