Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

October 2019

Suo Lu and Chanchai Bunchapattanasaakda

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among entrepreneurial structure hole, competitiveness of SMEs, and the growth of SMEs. SMEs are the fundamental force of the development of China. However, it is difficult for SMEs to draw...

Ayilara A.O., Oloke J.K. and Olaitan J.O.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.A) is one of the major opportunistic pathogens of human often associated with morbidity and mortality. This study is to determine antibiotic susceptibility pattern and biofilm production among the P.A isolates and also...


Objective: The effect of the 4 fertilizer doses was evaluated on the variability of the elements of the structure of local pea production (Pisumsativum L.S) in the Brazzaville area of the Republic of Congo. Methodology and results: In the field,...

Suada Tinjić and Mirza Ibrišimović

Male fertility evaluation involves a semen analysis which normal values can also be found in infertile men. Sperm DNA fragmentation is highly associated with male infertility and presents obstacle in selecting healthy sperm for successful in...

Rama, B. and Michael Rosario, G.

In this paper an inventory model using penalty cost and shortage cost are formulated. The aim of this research work is to minimize the time period, the order quantity and the total cost. The model is developed for both finite and infinite...

Narcisse Malanda, Gildas Ngouono-Ngakali, Gilbert Ganga, Raymond Gentil Elenga, Venceslas Nzingoula and Paul Louzolo-Kimbembe

This work is devoted to the experimental study and effects of the drying kinetics of stabilized earth bricks based on sugar cane molasses. Drying experiments were carried out in the laboratory under different temperature conditions, with...

Dr. Subramanian, S.S.

Stroke rehabilitation varies with age, gender, etiopathogenesis, region affected in the brain, lesion of middle cerebral artery infarct with core strengthening exercises were analyzed with one year follow up from 02.09.2018 to 30.09.2019 as...

Dr. Subramanian, S.S.

Stroke rehabilitation varies with age, gender, etiopathogenesis, region affected in the brain, lesion of middle cerebral artery infarct with core strengthening exercises were analyzed with one year follow up from 02.09.2018 to 30.09.2019 as...

Tripathi, B.N., Singh P.K. and Dinesh Kumar

To asses variability in rice productivity and nutrients concentrations along with their uptake in relation to soil supply capacity of plant nutrients and their management for developing fertilizers prescription alone and in conjunction with...

Kuje Samson, Lasisi, K. E., Nwaosu, S.C. and Abubakar M. Auwal Alkafawi

The Gompertz distribution is both skewed to the left and to the right. It is an extension of the exponential distribution and is commonly used in many applied problems, particularly in life time data analysis. This paper proposes another...

Cucu Sutarsyah, Hery Yufrizal and Sudirman

The objectives of the research are to find out how the students’ writing quality differ after being given Google Classroom-mediated feedback, how different the students' writing quality according to the predominant dimension of writing anxiety...

Dr. Brilla Balsam J. and Dr. Lancelet T.S.

Water is anultimate need of life and it supports wide variety of activities. But very often water does not get the conservation it deserves. The present paper has been analyzed the availability and efficient use of surface water in an emerging...

Ahaotu I., Uchendu C.G. and Maduka, N.

This study seeks to evaluate sensory properties and vitamins content of tybo drink (blend of zobo drink and tigernut milk) treated with chemical preservative. Zobo (Roselle extract) and tigernut milk in ratios 1:1, 3:1, and 1:3 were prepared. 0.1...

Wossene Negash and Biniam Abera

Stilesia hepaticais a tapeworm parasite having sheep, goats, other livestock and numerous wild ruminants as final hosts. Though non-pathogenic even in massive infection, it causes marked economic loss due to liver condemnation at abattoir due to...

Dr. Rajendra Kumar and Dr. Ashok Kumar Deo

Introduction: Breathing with low inspired oxygen tension leads to low Pao2 and is frequently seen in Amarnath pilgrims during ascent to Holy amaranth cave. At Holy amaranth cave, when the partial pressure of oxygen in inspired air Pio2 decreases...

Smita Pathak

Aim of present study is to assess the tolerance of chlorophyll change in duckweed plant (Lemna minor). Tolerance level and toxic effect of copper sulphate (CuSO4) and mercuric chloride(HgCl2) in Lemna minor was investigated under laboratory...

Rahul Patel and Dr. Justin Masih

Analysis was conducted for the concentration of Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) in the river Ganga on four sampling sites at Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh and the bioaccumulation of these heavy metals in the crops grown in the area. The main aim of this...

Dr. Sanad M. Mousa Younes and Dr. Ahmad A. Sh. Saad

The aim of this case study is to evaluate the result of early surgical repair of complete cut sciatic nerve injury. A case of sciatic nerve injury at thigh level, the etiology of the injury was close range high velocity military weapon shot which...

Sonika Chaudhary and Neetu Singh

Beetroot is a common fruit or vegetable with a unique shape and color. Beetroot is becoming popular for its color and nutritional value. Red beet is a good source for natural color and it is historically used in wine for the color. The coloring...

Mikru Tesfa, Solomon Abera and Abrar Sualeh

Coffee Arabica is an essential commodity to the livelihood of millions of Ethiopians and its quality had critical importance to the coffee industry. A study was conducted to determine engineering physical properties of nine newly released coffee...

Sandra Ludovic Huguette DJIMI, Jean Mathurin NZIKOU and Abdelhamid KHEIRI

Fouling of heat exchangers is one of the most common problems in the industry. This phenomenon considerably reduces the heat exchange coefficients over time and therefore decreases the performance of the exchanger, hence the need for periodic...

Million Desalegn Tassew and Metasebya Gonta Gotoro

The main objective of the study is to assess the influence of parenting behaviors on interpersonal functioning among adolescent students of Hawassa Tabor Secondary School. Parenting behaviors are measured by three dimensions: which are parental...

Wansah, J.F., Udoh, J.M., Iseh, A.J., Iyen, C., Ocheje, A.J. and Akeredolu, J.B.

A review of the effects of actions and transactions considered in the decision-making processes on oil exploitation projects in the Niger Delta region has been carried out. These effects are identified, assessed, and evaluated against the...

Dr. Gajendra Kumar Dubey and Dr. Dharmendra Choudhary

Yoga is a form of physical activity which may assist in achieving recommended levels of physical activity.Anatomy education of Asana is an important part. The study of human anatomy encompasses the placement of the body’s bones, muscles and nerve...

Dembélé Bertin, Macías Navarro Meydis, Dembélé Niaré Fanta, González Sánchez Orlando, Rizo González Raúl Ricardo, Olivares Louhau Ela Maritza, and Dembélé Bakary Tientigui

The experience accumulated over the last three decades in the early treatment of burns patients has radically changed the cause of death. It is now estimated that about 75% of mortality after burns is related to infections. The study aim was to...

Kariyawasan, C.C. and Buddhadasa, M.S.

Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) excess is an independent risk factor of coronary artery disease (CAD) and have shown wide ethnic variations.Approximately 25% of Indians and other South Asians have elevated Lp(a) levels (≥50 mg/dl). Many studies have...