Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Screening of plants for anti-quorum sensing potentials against biofilm producing gram negative bacteria

The gram-negative bacteria produce signaling molecules for combining with the other bacteria producing the same signal such as N-acyl homoserinelactones (AHL) for the formation of biofilm. The anti-quorum sensing potential of Acalyphaindica, Azimatetracantha, Anethumgraveolens, Calophylluminophyllum, Cassia alata, Erysimumofficinale, Euphatoriumtriplinerve, Leucasaspera, Phyllanthusamarus and Vincarosasea collected from Tamil Nadu were analyzed. These plants were tested for their phytochemical content and major phytocompounds were found to be present inAcalyphaindica, Anethumgraveolens, Phyllanthusamarus, Erysimonofficinale, Azimatetracantha andEuphatoriumtriplinerve. The chosen plants were tested for its anti-quorum sensing potential using the indicator organism Chromobacteriumviolaceum. The pigment violacein was found to be inhibited. Anti-quorum sensing activity was found to be significantly high in Phyllanthusamarus, Acalyphaindica and Anethumgraveolens.

Florida Tilton, Nirmal Kumar, P. and Lakshmi Priya, K.
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