Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Response of borex on tuber yield of potato and its quality in riverine tract of Uttar Pradesh

The field study was conducted during 2016-17 and 2017-18 on farmer’s field of Kannauj block in district Kannauj. The pilot area is situated in the catchments of river Ganga. The soil of pilot project was sandy loam, having pH 8.0, organic carbon 0.23%, total nitrogen 0.02%, available phosphorus 9.0 kg/ha and available potassium 273 kg/ha, therefore, the nutrients status of soil was low. The three treatments i.e., farmers practice, 180 kg N+100 kg P2O5+100 kg K20/ha (RDF) and 180 kg N+100 kg P2O5+100 kg K2O+18 kg Borex were tested under cvs. Kufri Bahar and Kufri Pukhraj. Kufri Bahar yielded tubers by 361.04 q/ha, while Kufri Pukhraj gave tubers yield by 366.00 q/ha at 180 kg N+100 kg P2O5+100 kg K2O+18 kg Borex/ha. Other two treatments of fertilizer application were failed to surpass the borex combination treatment. Kufri Pukhraj gave higher production over Kufri Bahar at each level of fertilizer application. The net return Rs. 115584/ha and BCR (1:1.17) and net return Rs. 118560/ha and BCR (1:2.14) were achieved from cultivars Kufri Bahar and Kufri Pukhraj, respectively at 180 kg N+100 kg P2O5+100 kg K2O+18 kg Borex/ha, which was higher over farmers practice and recommended dose application of fertilizer i.e. NPK/ha. As regard to quality characters both the tested cultivars proved superior over local checks.

Amer Singh, R.A., Singh, V.K., Kanaujia, D. Yadav and Asha Yadav
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