Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Multimodal biometric system using three biometric traits

In our day to day life, the automatic verification of person is a very important task. The traditional method of establishing a person’s identity include knowledge based like password or token based like ID cards, but representation of these identity can easily be lost, stolen or shared. So for authentication of a person some biometric characters of that person is used. For that purpose one or more biometric characters can be used. But using one character may sometime prove less secure so more than one character are used. Sometimes it is possible that some people with some disability may not register or authenticate himself, in that case multimodl biometrics is essential. Some research and security related issues are mentioned here students to fully utilize online resources to improve their learning and quality of patient care.

Priya N. Ghotkar and Vikas G. Bhowate
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