Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Momentum transfer with coaxially placed perforated disc turbulence promoter in circular conduit

Studies on the effect of coaxially placed entry region perforated disc disc assembly as turbulence promoter on momentum transfer rates in forced convection flow of electrolyte were conducted. The study covered a wide range of geometric parameters such as diameter of the disc (Dd), thickness of disc (Td)and distance of disc from the entrance of test section(h). The results revealed that the friction factor increased with increase in diameter of the disc (Dd), thickness of disc (Td) and decreased with increase in distance of disc from the entrance section (h). Within the range of variables covered, the increase in friction factors due to the presence of the promoter was significant. At the velocity of 0.3396m/s, while for the maximum disc diameter the increase was 75 times more than the smooth tube, while for the minimum disc diameter, the increase over the smooth tube was 45 times. Momentum transfer rates were analyzed with momentum transfer roughness function R(h+) and roughness Reynolds number (Re+). The following correlation was reported out of the study.

Kanaka Mahalakshmi, K. and Nageswara Rao, V.
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