Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Study on semiconformal kaehlerian recurrent and symmetric spaces of second order

Walker (1950) studied on Ruse’s spaces of recurrent Curvature. Singh (1971) studied on Kaehlerian spaces with recurrent Bochner Curvature tensor. Ishii [8] introduced the notion of Conharmonic transformation under which a harmonic function transforms into a harmonic function. Negi and Rawat (1994) studied some bi-recurrent and bi-symmetric properties in a Kaehlerian space. Further, Rawat and Kumar [13] studied Weyl-Sasakian Projective and Weyl-Sasakian Conformal bi-recurrent and bi-symmetric spaces. In the present paper, we have studied and defined Semiconformal Kaehlerian recurrent and symmetric spaces of second order. Several Theorems also have been established and proved therein.

Rawat, K.S. and Sandeep Chauhan
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