Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Risk Assessment Of Zika Virus And Optimization Of Mosquito Surveillance In The Port And City Ofchittagong, Bangladesh

Several mosquito species and mosquito-borne pathogens are capable of invading new geographic regions and exploiting niches that are similar to their natural home ranges where they may pose a serious threat to spreading pathogens. Zika virus is spreading throughout the world, posing significant health risk to human populations, particularly pregnant women and their infants.Invasion by infected mosquitoes through marine and air ports are a likely route of invasion of Zika virus. The mosquito species most capable of transmitting Zika virus, Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictusare both found in Bangladesh. Identifying likely invasion sites and optimizing strategies for detection and control are critical in preventing the spread of Zika virus in Bangladesh. The BioTEMS TIGER model was used to analyze abiotic and biotic factors influencing Zika infected Aedesspecies, should they enter through the port of Chittagong. BioTEMS was used to identify areas at high risk for the introduction of Zika virus, recommended zones for integrated mosquito management, and sites for mosquito surveillance at the port and the surrounding area of the city of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Thomas M. Kollars, Jr.,
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