Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Recycling of waste paper to produce non-woven fabrics and ecological sustainability

Paper product manufacturing is concerning in avariation of chemicals which is used directly in paper and pulp production or in the conversion processes like printing and gluing. Due to economic and environmental initiatives, paper recycling rates increases. The binder or adhesives in this research is used polystyrene film (another waste) by dissolving acetone. Expanded Styrofoam is a non-biodegradable plastic that is difficult to recycle by standard methods. In the rapid growing amounts of Expanded polystyrene/ Styrofoam waste in landfills are a serious threat to the environment. We decided to investigate possible means of controlling this form of pollution starting from recycling and re use of such wastes for the other product types. There are many advantages of recycling of waste materials to re-use as a raw material or input for further production process, saving of energy and Environmental issues. Based on the results it can be concluded that Recycling is one way to help manage the solid waste we generate each year and to reduce effects on environment sustainability which leads global warming and soil fertility problems.

Amare Worku
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