Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Pushover Analysis Of Soft Storey Building Under Seismic Load

During an earthquake, the disaster is mainly caused due to the collapse of buildings. The main objective of the seismic analysis is to make the structure serviceable even after the minor intensity earthquake without causing any damage. It is essential to provide open ground stories also called “Soft stories” in commercial and residential buildings for parking. In this paper, a soft storey building having G+9 storey is analyzed using ETABS where the soft storey is provided on the ground floor. Static analysis is carried out by Response Spectrum method and non-linear analysis by Pushover analysis. The storey displacement, storey drift and base shear are obtained. Keeping storey drift as our main objective, the structure is analyzed by providing steel and RCC bracings in different patterns to reduce the soft storey damage due to the earthquake. It was seen that Steel X bracing shows minimum displacement and storey drift and Forward RCC bracing shows least soft storey effect.

Athira, A., Kiran Koshy Samuel, Steffi Sara Abraham and Simon, J.
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