Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Pratiques paysannes d’utilisation des pesticides et pollution environnementale dans la commune de dano, province du ioba burkina faso

The increasing use and misuse of pesticides in Burkina Faso are major threats to pastoral resources and livestock poisoning. The study presents environmental pollution risks related to farmers’ poor practices for pesticides use. A survey was carried out within 158 rice farmers working in inland valleys. The questionnaire focused on the socio-demographic characteristics of rice farmers, the types of pesticides used and their effects on the environment. The results showed that the majority of producers are illiterate, poorly educated, and poorly trained. Poor practices include chemical weeding, disposal of empty packaging, management of pesticide residues, washing of treatment equipment near water points. The results show that 12 types of pesticides are used, the main active ingredients of which are Glyphosate and Paraquat. Environmental pollution was perceived through pastures contamination, cattle poisoning and death, and soil fauna activity decline. To mitigate environmental pollution and livestock poisoning associated with poor farming practices, large information and awareness campaigns should be conducted through mass media channels, particularly local radio stations and TV channels to inform farmers.

Compaore, H., Ilboudo, S., Bambara, D. and Bama Nati, A. D.
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