Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Awareness campaign and mitigation strategies on climate change: A University of northern Philippines initiative

This study focused on the initiatives of the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) on awareness campaign and development of research-based technologies as mitigating strategies to climate change. Awareness on climate change was conducted to several communities to increase awareness especially the refrigerant and air conditioning sector in Region I and in Northern Luzon. The campaign was done through seminars, for a and IEC distribution on developed technologies as a means of information dissemination. The development of Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling Machine played an important role in minimizing the ozone depleting substances to vent into the air and primary destroy the ozone layer. Through the UNP Extension Program, the utilization of technologies contributed to the improvement of farmers productivity while at the same time mitigating climate change as the community became aware of environmental problems. Further, the organic agriculture is one way of mitigating climate change. To influence farmers to go into organic farming, machines for organic fertilizer production were developed and has been adopted by several communities in Ilocos Sur. The shift of farmers from conventional to organic farming assured food security as well as reduction of the emission of greenhouse gas from agricultural sector that caused damaged to the ozone layer.

Manuel Bajet, Jr., Joussie B. Bermio, Crizzle B. Paz and Junel Bryan Bajet
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