Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Nasopharyngeal Schwannoma: A Case Report And Clinicopathological Analysis

According to literature 50% Schwannoma cases are seen in Head & Neck region and only <4% occur in sinonasal tract. In our case a female patient presented with 10 months history bilateral nasal obstruction and snoring. CT scan revealed a well defined moderate enhancing homogenous soft tissue density lesion noted in midline and prevertebral space extending into nasophrynx abuting skull base displacing left great vessels of neck inferiorly extending to orophrynx. The mass was excised by transorally transpalatal approach. Histopathological study revealed features of schwannoma.

Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Behera, Dr. Chinmaya Sundar Ray and Dr. Kalpalata Tripathy
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