Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

L’usage des tic en contexte universitaire ivoirien: exemple de l’universite peleforo gon coulibaly (upgc) de korhogo

Digital technologies are increasingly at the heart of the strategies of African universities, which are the main pools of qualified human resources. While digital technology now offers opportunities to respond to new academic challenges, the deployment of ICTs in education raises fundamental questions including how they are challenged in teaching and learning by teachers and students. The objective of this study, conducted with a sample of 64 actors, is to understand the relationship that teachers and students have with ICT in the specific context of Korhogo University. The results indicate that there is a beginning of ICT use by teachers in the dissemination of knowledge, but many find it difficult to set up a course in Powerpoint, connect their computer to a video projector, make the necessary adjustments, implement the projected course. In addition, the student class shows is far from having adopted ICT in its training process, although some students stand out from others by their high level of knowledge in this area. Finally, Peleforo GonCoulibaly University itself has difficulties in deploying ICT, starting with the coverage of university space in connection with the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Hamanys Broux De Ismael KOFFI, Franck-Gautier GACHA and Francis Pacôme KOUAKOU
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Physical Sciences and Engineering