Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Impact of paper mill effluent on the quality of receiving soil

Maintaining good soil quality and minimizing soil pollution and degradation is of fundamental importance to preserve quality of ground water, surface water, to give us clean air bountiful crop and forest, productive grazing lands, divers wild life and beautiful landscape. Soil has both inherent and dynamic properties. In India a tropical country, drought conditions and depletion of ground water source necessitate alternate irrigation source. The various water irrigation source can be augmented by using the effluent from pulp and paper industry. In the present study we analysed the soil quality in term of salient physicochemical properties of the soil, receiving paper mill effluent. Among the physical properties Bulk density slightly improved, no change in pH, slight changes in percent total solid, percent ash content, among nutritional parameter phosphorous increase,. Actinomycetes units were strongly enhanced in receiving effluent as compare to control soil. The fungi population also increase in all the samples irrigated with effluent. Consequently these changes suggested some favourable amendment in soil.

Surabhi Yadav and Nidhi Yadav
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