Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Evaluation of some radioactive elements (rubidium, strontium, yttrium, niobium and zirconium) in soils in parts of jos plateau, North central Nigeria

The Jos Plateau is situated in the central part of Northern Nigeria, on a rugged terrain of low lands at the edge of the Plateau surface (Hyde, 1986). It is the principal centre of tin and colum bite mineralization, which forms the focal area of Younger Granites (Macleod et al., 1971). A total of thirty soil samples from Rayfield, Bukuru and environs on the Jos Plateau were analysed for Rubidium (Rb), Strontium (Sr), Yttrium (Y), Niobium (Nb) and Zirconium (Zr) using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analytical method, with the aim of determining the extent to which the long history of mining, and other surficial geological processes have affected the soils of the study area. The distribution of the analysed elements (Rb, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr) were evaluated to monitor potential threats to human health and the natural ecosystem by comparing the determined concentrations of these elements (Rb, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr) with concentrations in uncultivated and unmined areas as controls. Mean concentrations of 133.11ppm was obtained for Rb, 83.7ppm for Sr, 66.97ppm for Y, 77.35ppm for Nb and 425.53 for Zr as against 35ppm, 67ppm 27ppm, 15ppm and 270 for Rb,Sr, Y, Nb andZr, respectively in unmined and uncultivated soils. A calculation of anthropogenic factor (AF) and Index of geo-accumulation (Igeo) indicated Rb, Sr, Y, Nb and Z recontaminations (Rb, Sr, Y, Zr low contamination, Nb moderate contamination) in soils of the study area. These values can be used as guidelines for ensuring the preservation of environmental integrity of the study area.

Miranda N. Mboringong and Edwin Y. Mbiimbe
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