Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Etude comparée de la flore du conservatoire botanique Michel Adanson de Mbour (Sénégal) aux flores naturelles de la zoneet aux espèces surexploitées et endémiques du Sénégal

The knowledge of the flora is indispensable a good management of the plants in a botanical conservatory. The studies carried out so far on the site focused on the characterization of the flora. However, they are not exhaustive because they concerned only a few parcels. This work proposes to return to previous studies to complete them. Its objectives are to compare the flora of the conservatory with the natural flora of the area in order to study its representativity and to determine the endangered species and the overexploited species of Senegal present on the site. To do this, the results of the study of the flora of the conservatory were compared with previous results obtained in the natural flora of the area. The results obtained show a weak similarity and a low representativity between the flora of the botanical conservatory Michel Adanson of Mbour and the natural flora protected areas of the zone. The same observation is also noted between the local flora and the endemic and overexploited species of Senegal. This work allowed to better know the specific richness of the site and to propose a list of species to be introduced in the conservatory for a greater representativity of the local flora and for a sustainable management of threatened taxa. These results could open important perspectives for the establishment of a plan of management and management of the conservatory.

Richard Demba DIOP, Ibou DIOP, Babacar FAYE, Yves DJIHOUNOUCK, Anna SAMB, Mame Samba MBAYE,Monique DIOUF-AGBO, Mame Thierno Aby SY and Kandioura NOBA
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