Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Effect of enzyme, dried poultry excreta, probiotics and their interaction on the performance of commercial broiler chicks

To assess the effect of enzyme, dried poultry excreta, probiotics and their interaction on performance of commercial broiler chicks, two enzyme and probitics levels (without and with enzyme supplementation) and three levels of dried poultry excreta (0, 5 and 10% DPE) were considered for study. A group of twenty broilers both male and female distributed in 12 treatments replicated twice were taken for study. The chicks were reared in electric battery brooders under same environmental conditions. Data pertaining to performance traits such as growth and feed efficiency were recorded by weighing individual chicks at weekly interval up to 6 weeks of age. Chicks were fed experimental ration ad-libitum. Difference in initial and final body weight represented the weight gain by chicks over the corresponding period. Data were analyzed on survivor and equal number of bird’s per subclass basis. Analysis of variance revealed no significant difference in body weight during inclusion of all combinations among the male, female and in pooled sexes. Inclusion of 5 per cent DPE along with probiotic and enzyme in diet indicated highest body weight for males, females and on combined sexes followed by 10 per cent DPE along with probiotic and enzyme in diet. However, feed efficiency showed significant difference (P<0.05) on inclusion of DPE, enzyme and probiotics on second and fifth week while other week days had non significant effect on inclusion. The better feed efficiency was also observed on addition of enzyme and probiotics while it reduced on enhancement of DPE level in the diet.

Bansal, G. R., Singh, V. P. and Sachan, N.
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