Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Does increased peri-operative communication improve patient satisfaction after total joint arthroplasty? a randomised controlled trial

Aim: To determine whether peri-operative cell phone massaging patients undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty improves the satisfaction rate. Methods: We conducted a RCT of 90 patients and were left with 80 patients at final analysis, 40 participants in each group. Results: In the study group, 57.5% were satisfied, 22.5% very satisfied, 12.5% indifferent and 7.5% were dissatisfied versus the control group’s 77.5% satisfied, 17.5% indifferent and 5% dissatisfied. Asked if they would recommend TJA at our hospital to their family 80% answered yes, 12.5% unlikely and 7.5% were indifferent in the control group. In the study group 57.5 % answered yes, 20% highly recommend it, 15% were indifferent and 7.5% unlikely. There was no statistically significant difference in pre-operative HHS and post-operative HHS i.e., between the groups. There was statistical significance in pre-operative OKS between the two groups i.e., p -value = 0.00000032 and for post-operative OKS i.e., p -value = 0.00086. Conclusion: The satisfaction rate of patients receiving SMSs is equivalent and comparable to that of patients using traditional forms of communication. The quality of the satisfaction is superior for SMS patients. Patients receiving peri-operative SMSs while undergoing TKA do functionally better. Peri-operative SMSs are beneficial for patients undergoing TJA.

Philani Ntombela, Wofhatwa Ndou, Nkhondiseni Sikhauli, Lipalo Mokete and Mampapatla Ramokgopa
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