Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation around the urban Gaborone District, Kgatleng and southern village districts of Botswana

The groundwater quality assessment study occurred in Urban Gaborone District, Kgatleng and Southern Village Districts. Six boreholes were identified and six composite samples were analysed for water quality for irrigation. The chemical constituents were evaluated using water quality standards developed by the Republic of Botswana, South Africa, Ayers and West cot. Irrigation water quality indices SAR, SSP, RSBC, PI, MAR, KR and TH were calculated and used to determine the quality of the water samples. The study revealed that most of the chemical constituents were within the recommended limits. Generally, the indices were also within the recommended limits. All the groundwater samples were suitable for irrigation. However some samples required good management for them to become usable for irrigation

Sifanele Machacha and Thembinkosi Mathowa
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