Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Women empowerment in present Islamic society

Women Empowerment becomes an important fact in the contemporary world. Now in present world there is a western society (First World) and also a World which called as third world (includes countries of indian subcontinent, countries of middle east, and also African countries), women status is one of the important thing for both this world. Empowerment means moving from enforced powerlessness to a position of power through ensuring education, knowledge, skills. Evaluation of awareness among women is one of the most valuable features. Therefore, at all the forums including United Nation Organization, women rights and issues regarding women empowerment are being discussed about it . All the countries have been forced to draw out their women from parochial culture and trying to utilize as a skilled human resource. It is a potent description in which roles assigned to women are relegated generally to the mystic and aesthetic, and excluded from the practical and political realms. The basic objective is to highlight women empowerment in Muslim Society and its practical implementation was observed in allthe socio-economic and political field. Islam gives credence to women, certifying towards them respect, honour, dignity and equality. Many women have taken leaps and strides in the developed world where we see Muslim women who have obtained an education, deliberate their own future and make choices which can enhance and their quality of life. Yet in stark contrast in the developing world, many women have not had this opportunity. Today we face a challenging situation where we have the teachings as our guidance yet not all women have the circumstance and opportunity to rise up and flourish as individuals.

Sadidul Alam
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