Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

In vitro antibacterial, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities of stem and root of tridax procumbens l.

In the present study, Tridax procumbens belongs to the family of Asteraceae was selected. Tridax procumbens was collected and the stem and root were separated, cleaned and dried under shade. The dried plant materials were ground well into powder. The 20g of powder of stem and root were soaked in 200 ml of benzene and diethyl ether separately and kept at room temperature for 48 hours and then the mixture was filtered and concentrated by using evaporator at 37˚C. The antibacterial activity of extracts of stem and root at the concentration of 5mg/100µl against selected bacterial species Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermis and Enterobacter cloacae was studied. The benzene extract of root showed the maximum zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus 12±0.98 mm and Staphylococcus epidermidis12±1.26 mm. The diethyl ether extract of root of Tridax procumbens showed maximum zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus 14±1.43 mm. The extracts of stem and root of Tridax procumbens were used for the evaluation of in vitro antidiabetic and in vitro anti - inflammatory activities at different concentrations. The maximum inhibition 85.71% was found in the benzene extracts of stem and root and in the diethyl ether extract of root of Tridax procumbens was. The best anti- inflammatory activity was observed in benzene extract of root and diethyl ether extract of stem at 200 µg/ml. From this study, we confirmed that the antibacterial, in vitro antidiabetic and in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of the stem and root of Tridax procumbens.

Thiyagarajan Bharathi and Rajangam Udayakumar
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Health Sciences