Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Use of vertical electrical sounding (VES) techniques to explore the groundwater potential

VES survey can be used to determine aquifer parameters and fresh groundwater formation below ground surface for pumping to minimize secondary salinization problems. Two VES surveys (VES 1and VES 2) were conducted at farmer’s field, in District Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, Pakistan. Resistivity meter Tarrameter (SAS 4000, Sweden) was used to collect resistivity data. Drilling operation was performed at VES site. 100 soil and water samples were collected to analyze groundwater quality and prepare well log profile. Well log profile was compared with VES interpretation of subsurface lithology. Based on the VES surveys results, well parameters were designed and installed at study area. Pumping test was performed to verify VES survey results. 1X1D (Interpex, USA) computer model was used to analyze resistivity data. Model output showed 4-layers model (KQ type) at VES 1 position and 3-layers model (K type) at VES 2 position, which matched well with well log of borehole data. The results indicated that fresh groundwater was available from 8 to 15 m depth below ground surface having resistivity values of more than 41 Ω-m. Marginal quality groundwater with resistivity values of 41 to 21 Ω-m was found from 15 to 20 m depth. The groundwater quality deteriorated further downwards. Values of k ranged from 92 to 96 m day-1 and of T from 1163 to 1256 m2 day-1 computed from VES data were in close agreement with those determined from pumping test data showing potential of VES technique to assess groundwater quality configuration, aquifer parameters and finally to design well parameters.

Hafiz Umar Farid and Allah Bakhsh
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