Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

The use of tea and its by-products in ruminants feeding, a comprehensive review

The aim of this review was to go into lengthy research on the importance of tea waste in the diet of ruminants. We noticed that the waste of the tea is rich in 20-35% crude protein which is an advantage because it can replace foods known as a source of protein. In addition, because of the increase in world tea production from year to year, the same goes for wastes relating to the processing of tea, so the use of tea waste in the diet of ruminants bring an economic and environmental added value. However, the use of tea waste in ruminants is hampered by its high tannin content. The latter, once consumed in abundance, blocks the digestion of proteins, so that a simple method of extracting them would facilitate the stain in its incorporation in the TMR.

NZEYIMANA Jean Bosco, CHENG Jianbo, ZHU Fei
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