Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Urban land lease proclamation and its economic implication to public servants: the case of Gesuba Town, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

The research intended to assess the urban land lease law and its economic implication to public servants at Gesuba town of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Today the leased land holding proclamation has become a burning agenda of discussion throughout the country in Ethiopia. In order to have the best representatives of the target population, this study used a scientific formula by using it 182 individuals were selected as sample size to conduct the research. The study employed both qualitative (critical research design method) and quantitative approaches (descriptive design method). The data collected through various methods were synchronized and organized by using both descriptive techniques and critical analysis techniques. The research finding revealed that public servants are not benefited from the current land lease holding proclamation. According to the finding the main factors that deter the benefit of public servants from the land lease proclamation at study area were the proclamation by itself, the defect in the implementation of the law, corruption, high escalation of land price through competition, lack of good governance and other unmentioned problems. The current land lease law not equally serves society. The government should have to amend the proclamation to serve the public servants and society equally.

Deneke Dana Dabara and Biniam Firew Ouka
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