Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Time tested houshold herbal remedies from nanded and beed dist.

The present work deals with household remedies for some common diseases. For this an ethno-botanical survey was undertaken in Nanded and Beed districts. Authors have collected traditional data regarding house hold remedies from rural regions of both Districts,such as Dharmapuri, Saradgaon, Ambajogai ,Parli-Vaijnath in Beed District, Tuppa, Loni, Daheli, Anandwadi, Mahur, Kinwatin Nanded district. For data collection different methods were used such as interviews, recording, videography ,paper evidents etc, which provided their knowledge for effective remedies used regularly ‘Decoction’ of Andrographis panicalata Nees. taken orally to cure Deworming Mamordica charentia and Syzigium cumini Linn. For bring down blood suger.

Kachare S.V., Suryawanshi S.R., Raut K.S.
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