Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Taxonomic, physicochemical and biochemical evaluation of phellinus Allardii (bres.) S. Ahmad

Phellinus Quél. (family Hymenochaetaceae) is a genus of wide occurrence and includes a number of species with great pharmacological significance. The present study is focused on taxonomic identification, physicochemical and biochemical evaluation of the specimen collected from district Dehradun, India. The specimen has been identified as Phellinus allardii on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic characters and is reported here as a new record for district Dehradun. Standardization using physicochemical parameters has been done following standard methods. The P. allarddii mushroom has high value of oil absorption capacity (740%), followed by water absorption capacity (486%), dispersibility (93%), dry weight (82.13%), emulsion capacity (27.38%), Carr’s index (26.06%), emulsion stability (22.19%), moisture content (17.83%), total ash (4.16%), water soluble extractive (2.80%), alcohol soluble extractive (1.46%), acid insoluble ash (1.33%), Hausner ratio (1.32), water soluble ash (0.83%), tapped density (0.66 gmL-1), bulk density (0.47 gmL-1) and foreign matter (0.03%). The preliminary biochemical screening, according to the standard pharmacognostic procedures, has shown the presence of carbohydrates, reducing sugars, proteins, amino acids, steroids, terpenoids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinone glycosides and cardiac glycosides. The results of physicochemical parameters and biochemical analysis are the first to be reported for Phellinus allardii. The present investigation is indicative of the potential of this mushroom to be utilized as source of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

Uzma Azeem, Gurpaul Singh Dhingra and Richa Shri
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