Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

State space approach to boundary value problem for double porous viscoelastic medium

The present paper deals with a boundary value problem in a homogeneous, isotropic double porous viscoelastic medium subjected to thermomechanical sources. After developing mathematical formulation, a state space approach has been applied to investigate the problem. As an application of the approach, normal force and thermal source have been taken to illustrate the utility of the approach. The expressions for the components of normal stress, equilibrated stress and the temperature change are obtained in the frequency domain and computed numerically. Numerical simulation is prepared for these quantities and simulated results for these quantities are depicted graphically for a particular model. Some particular cases of interest are also deduced from the present investigation.

Rajneesh Kumar, Aseem Miglani, Sonika Chopra and Monika Kalra
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