Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Recycling of Unconventional fly ash from the bargny coal-fired power plant in Senegal for the production of Hydrauli Binders

The aim of the work is to valorize the unconventional fly ash from the Bargny coal-fired power plant, in order to address issues related to the durability of concrete structures, as well as to provide economic and environmental solutions linked to the storage of industrial waste. To this end, a physico-chemical, mineralogical and mechanical characterization of hydraulic binders was carried out at the DANGOTE cement plant laboratory. Firstly, CEM II/B 32.5 R cement from the said plant was substituted with fly ash at different substitution rates (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%). Subsequently, a cement, with limestone, clinker, phosphogypsum and ash as raw materials substituting clinker at different tenements (5%, 10% and 20%), was designed and produced. After formulation and considering the results obtained, we can say that, on the one hand, the use of fly ash as a substitute product increases the Blaine specific surface area of the cement produced, and therefore its workability, and on the other hand that the mechanical strengths at 2 days and 28 days are within the limits acceptable under NF EN 196-1 regulations for a substitution rate of up to 20%.

Serigne DIOP, Oustasse Abdoulaye Sall, Déthié SARR and Makhaly BA
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Life Sciences