Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Qualite physico-chimique de l’eau consommee en milieu rural en rdc: cas de la province de la tshopo

The present work has for objective to make a survey compared of the physico-chemical quality of the consumption waters between the certified villages and no certified of the zones of health of the Province of the Tshopo, in DRC. To the total 2.646 samples of these waters have been appropriated and have been submitted to the analyses. On every sample, the debit, the temperature, the pH, the turbidity, the electric conductivity, the free chlorine, ions ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates and iron have been determined. The physical parameters have been determined in situ thanks to the automatic electric devices. The chemical parameters are analyzed by the methods photométricals. The middle values of the parameters physicochimiques of waters analyzed between the certified villages and no certified gotten submitted to the statistical treatments present themselves respectively as follows: pH (6,6±6,6); debit (8,6±6,6 litres/minute), temperature (25,5±25,8°C), turbidity (2,56±2,5 NTU), conductivity (59,3±78 µS/cms), NH4+ (0,51±0,44 mg/l), F- (0,04±0,15 mg/l), Cl- (0 mg/l), NO2- (0,03±0,12 mg/l), NO3- (45,24±77,61 mg/l), PO43- (0,83±0,98). The gotten results showed meaningful differences of the point of seen concentration in physico-chemical elements of waters consumed between the certified villages and non certified. Therefore, in farming environment of the Province of the Tshopo, there is a strong concentration in physico-chemical elements in waters consumed to the non certified villages that those of certified them. Therefore, in farming environment of the Province of the Tshopo, there is a strong concentration in physico-chemical elements in waters consumed to the non certified villages that those of certified them, but also between the zones of health. The hydraulic works of provision in water of consumption in high debit are observed in the zones of health of Basoko, Opala and of Bafwasende, with an average of 14,9350l/min ;13,49 l/min and 9,0167 l/min respectively. The middle pH of waters analyzed in the different zones of health varies from 6,30 to 6,70. A light acidity of water is observed in the zone of health of Lubunga, with a pH equal to 6,30. on the other hand, all remain zones of health revealed a pH in conformity with the norms of the WHO, that means variable pH between 6,5 to 8,5. The waters of the Zones of health of Bafwasende and Lubunga present a turbidity raised in relation to those of the other zones of health, with an average of 5 NTU and 4 NTU respectively. The highest temperatures of waters analyzed have been observed in the zones of health of Opala and Basoko, either an average of 26,5°C and 26,4°C respectively. There is total absence of free chlorine in the waters of all points of water analyzed. He/it observed himself/itself a strong concentration of nitrate and nitrite in the zone of health of Opala, either a middle concentration of 271,1667 mg/l and 0,2167 mg/l respectively. The values of ammonium are accentuated more in the zones of health of Basoko and Wanurukuras, either a concentration of 0,7833 mg/l and 0,7583 mg/l respectively. The most elevated conductivity is gotten in the zone of health of Basoko and lowest in the zone of health of Wanirukura. The rate of the ions phosphate in the samples of consumption water analyzed is superior compared to the one fixed by the WHO (0 to 0,02 mg/l) in all zones of health, either 1,167 mg/l in Bafwasende; 1,150 mg/l in Lubunga, 1,047mg/l in Wanirukura; 0,905 mg/l in Opala; 0,761 mg/l in Yakusu; 0,669 mg/l to Bengamisas and 0,650 mg/l in Basoko. The rate raised of iron has been observed in Basoko and Yakusu, either 0,300 mg/l and 0,270 mg/l respectively.

José-Zobel Mokili Kanda Etikola, Zoé-Arthur KazadiMalumba and René Oleko Woto
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Health Sciences