Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Prevalence Of Caesarean Section In Western Provincial General Hospital

Caesarean section is a common surgical procedure worldwide that is performed on pregnant Women with an estimated prevalence rate of 33%. Owing to its variable indications the Prevalence rate of caesarean section ranges from 4% in Africa to 29% in Latin America and the Caribbean. The operation is only 100 years old. WHO recommends that caesarean section rate should not exceed 15%. The study was conduct to determine the prevalence of caesarean section and factors associated with it. The study adopted a retrospective Records review design by examining patients’ files for those who had delivered in Western Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega county Kenya. The target population were all women who between months of January to December 2012. The study did a Survey of all records. Result indicates that prevalence Cesarean Section was at 19 per every hundred deliveries. Out of 3589 deliveries 2899(80.8%) were spontaneous vertex deliveries while 690(19.2%), obstructed labour 414(60%), foetal distress 138(20%), pre eclampsia 55(8%), Previous scar 27(4%), placenta previa 7(1%), placenta abruption 7(1%), cord prolapse 7(1%) and previous medical history as multiple births 21(3%), Diabetes 14(2%), no previous scar 683(96%), while those who had previous scar were 27(4%). Alive discharges are associated with CS as compared to deaths after Cesarean Section. And among the deaths associated to Cesarean Section more were after the deliveries. Cesarean Section is not associated patients HIV status of being HIV + (positive). Referrals were due to obstructed labour 81(50.3%), pre eclampsia 40(24.8%), previous scar 20(12.4%), twin pregnancy 5(3.1%), placenta praevia 15(9.3%). The study recommends a farther broader coverage study. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome BSCN Bachelor of Science in Nursing CDC Centres for Disease Control and prevention C/S Caesarean section HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus MOH Ministry Of Health NHIF National Hospital Insurance Fund RCOG Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists SVD Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery WHO World Health Organization W.P.G.H Western Provincial General Hospital W.H.O World Health Organization

Roseline Asiko Abwalaba, Ronald Omenge Obwoge and Tecla Sum
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