Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Prevalence of abo & rh positive blood groups among the hypertensive male and female population in greater guwahati

Hypertension may be defined as that level of blood pressure at which the institution of therapy reduces blood pressure related morbidity and mortality. More than 140/90 mm Hg should be considered hypertensive and should get treated. This study was done to evaluate the prevalence of ABO and Rh positive blood groups among the hypertensive male and female patients in greater Guwahati. It was a population-based study done in greater Guwahati. 400 male and 400 female hypertensive subjects were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criterias. Their basal blood pressures were determined using palpatory and auscultatory method. Their blood groups were determined using slide haemagglutination technique. It was found that the prevalence of ‘O’ Rh positive blood group among male hypertensives was 45% and female hypertensives was 42%. Similarly, 35% male and 34% female hypertensives belonged to ‘B’ Rh positive, 18% male and 20% female hypertensives belong to ‘A’ Rh positive and lastly, 2% male and 4% female hypertensives belonged to ‘AB’ Rh positive blood group. Thus, ‘O’ Rh positive blood group is the most prevalent one followed by ‘B’ Rh positive, followed by ‘A’ Rh positive and lastly by ‘AB’ Rh positive blood group which is the least prevalent blood group among hypertensive patients in greater Guwahati.

Dr. Heemanshu Shekhar Gogoi and Dr. (Mrs.) Bonti Bora
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