Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Oral health in pregnancy

Aim: A randomized study of oral problems in antenatal women attending department of OB&G of Anil Neerukonda Hospital, Sangivalasa. Most of the women who are registering for antenatal care are from rural areas in and around Sangivalasa. The study is to compare various oral problems in women from rural and urban areas. Urban candidates are selected from antenatal out- patient department of Apoorva hospital which is situated in Visakhapatnam city. This study is to identify the problems, for counseling, and advise and referral to dental specialist where ever required. Awareness of methods regarding oral hygiene and practice were insisted as pregnancy is a teachable moment about appropriate dental care. Untreated cavities in mother may increase the risk of caries in children. The opportunity is taken to educate the women regarding proper care of caries.

Dr. Surya prabha, V., Dr. Krishnamma, B S. and Dr. Yellapu Laxmi Aparna
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