Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Non-linear behavior of fiber reinforced concrete composite until collapse. a new procedure for random fiber generation

On this work it was developed a Computational analysis of a Fiber reinforced concrete composite (FRCC), with steel fibers. Composite models are subjected to tensile stresses under quasi-static loads until reach the collapse. Of the great importance was the random fiber distribution inside the composite and their fully integration into the concrete matrix, for this purpose it was developed an algorithm that generates the fibers in three levels of random location by using local spherical coordinate systems. Research was carrying on volumetric composite taking into account 3D random fibers distribution. Composites are analyzed under different percentages of volume fiber highlighting the peculiarities of each case. The analysis involves a charge-discharge process monitoring the nonlinear behavior of the composite as well the evolution of cracks and collapse of the composite. The failure process and collapse was done by using finite elements Birth and Death, who modify their properties when they reach a critic tensile stress inside the concrete matrix.

Horta-Rangel, J., Perez-Rea, L., Rojas-Gonzalez, E., Lopez-Lara, T. and Hernandez-Zaragoza, J.
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