Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of planting time on yield and quality of strawberry cv chandler in subtropical region of Punjab

An investigation was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College, Amritsar during the year 2016-17 to study the effect of planting time on yield and fruit quality of strawberry cv. Chandler in subtropical region of Punjab. The runners of strawberry cv Chandler were planted at 30x40 cm apart on the raised beds on seven times of planting i.e.1st September,15th September,1st October 15th October,30th October, 15th November and 30th November 2017 respectively. The experiment was laid out in Randomised Block Design (RBD). The results of the study revealed that out of the various planting times the planting time of 15th October proved to be the most effective in increasing the yield (310.10 g/plant) and improving the quality of the fruits with maximum fruit length(5.08 cm), breadth(3.39 cm) and fruit weight(15,60 g). Among biochemical characteristics, maximum TSS(8.30o Brix), total sugars(6.53%), reducing sugars(4.80%) and ascorbic acid(68.49mg/100g) were also generated from the plants planted on 15th October respectively.

Aamina Sadiq and Amarjeet Kaur
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