Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Determination of spearmans correlation coefficient of aerosols of Tropical urban coastal station chennai, india

Chennai is a(E80ᵒ 14’51” and N13ᵒ 03’ 40”), tropical urban coastal site on the east coast (Bay of Bengal) of southeast India. For the period from April 2015 to April2016 ,correlation coefficient is determined by the method of Spearmans Rank correlation coefficient .The main objective was to study the correlation analysis of the particulate matter PM 10 and PM2.5 of various regions of Chennai. An inverse relation exist between aerosol and rainfall. Hence the aerosol analysis can be a useful in foreshadowing the rainfall, which is of considerable economic importance.

Najma Nikkath, S. and Samuel Selvaraj, R.
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