Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

The epoxy resin plastination of reproductive organs of Animals

Plastinated specimens make significant and quick references for the understanding of Gross Anatomy. The reproductive organs were collected from the slaughter house in Namakkal, Tamil Nadu and are fixed in Keiser ling I solution. Dehydration was done by a number of changes in acetone followed by xylene. The air drying of the specimen in the following step permits substitution of xylene by air. The organs are treated with epoxy resin followed by curing with a mixture of resin and catalyst. The completely cured specimens are labeled and the labels are again coated with resin catalyst mixture, so as to make the labels permanent. Thus, the resulting specimens become a three dimensional model of original which do not require wet preservation.

Sivagnanam, S., Balasundaram, K., Selvaraju, M., Ravikumar, K., Kumaravel, A. and Paramasivan, S.
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