Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Hygienic conditions for the preparation of meat products on the streets of abéché (chad)

To improve the hygienic quality of meat products, the safety alimentary and sanitary of consumer, the most important population is the developing inside and outside to the trade of meat products .it is just necessary to know hygienic practises into laboratory, markets, restaurant, and establishments for transformation of meat and fish. the aim of this study is to evaluate the know ledge of the hygienic and the quality to preparation of meat products into city of Abéché, and to study the relation between the associated factors into hygienic practises our investigation was realised to data collection on 129 targets. The test board window between age, matrimonial situation, educated level, sanitary examination, experience, and hygienic practises. the results to show that the population target maximum is the 71 old, with four wives and 26 children and them experiences is 28 old, minimum age is 26 years old and them experience 0,15 old with pass mark 41,91% old with 1,76% of wives and 7,26% children and they experience 5,15 old. most infrastructures visited were not respected the hygienic conditions. the measures for sanitary prevention are must to be lead for improving the hygienic conditions which are not respecting for the most target investigation.

Mahamat Seid ALI, Abdelsalam Adoum DOUTOUM, Abdoullahi Hissein OUSMAN, Mbaidoum BERTIN, Djamalladine Mahamat DOUNGOUSS, Djeguedem TRESOR, Mamadou BALDE, Abdourahamane BALLA, Malang SEYDI and Bhen Sikina TOGUEBAYE
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