Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Appraising elicitation potency by electric current corporated with chitosan and nono- selenium to broost quale- quantitative essential oil yield production in thyme

Thymus valuaris seeds, were subjected to DC electric current (E1-4; 0, 100, 200, 500mA) before planting at filed; the resultant 4 months old plants were vegitatively sprayed every two week, up tell harvesting, with chitosan (C1-4; 3,5,10g/L), Nano selenium oxide (N1-4; 50, 100, 150ppb) and incorporated (EC), (EN) application treatments. ANOVA statistical analysis for the recorded data revealed that; E2-4. C2-4. N2-4 achieved significant positive impact C > N > E whereas, integrated (EC), (EN) performed synergistic significant positive impacts EC > EN quant – qualitative essential oil production. Therefore, E,C ,N,EC,EN increased essential oil yield, Kg/ha up to 25,69,58,80,71% over control (228.599Kg/ha); respectively Also, owing to increment dry herb yield, t/ha up to 15,27,22,31,28% over control (9.630t/ha) respectively, raise up the essential oil content. g/kg up to (1st /2nd harvest) (9/11), (31/37), (28/34), (35/42), (32/38)% over that of control (24.85/20.81/g/kg), respectively; exceedingly, scale up essential oil main components% that including thymole carvacrol, p- cymene, - terpinine up to (1st /2nd harvest) (6.8/12.5), (11.1/18.5), (7.8/16.0), (12.2/20.6), (10.1/18.5)% over that of control (8489/77.90%), respectively wherefore the précis results, strongly manifested EC exceed EN can be considered realistic biotechnological oriental strategy for quale – quantitative improvement thyme essential oil production , Ander field agriculture conditions..

Tarek El- Sayed, S.A. Bosila, H.A. and El- Sayed, S.A.
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