Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effects Of Historic Floodonwater Qualityof Fresh Water Reservoir Keenjhar Lakeofsindh, Pakistan

Keenjhar Lake(Kalri Lake) located in Thatta district of Sindh, Pakistan. A total number of 27 water samples were taken before and after the historic flood(27-08-2010) from different locations of the study area in year2010. The sampleswereanalyzedto estimatefor the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), sodium (Na), chlorides (Cl), sulfate (SO4), phosphate (PO4), carbonate (CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3) and potassium (K)including heavy metals such asiron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) for evaluation of the different samples lakewater.This study also determines quality indicators for monitoring of Keenjhar lake water quality factors identified by using statistics on thirteenPhysico-chemical parameters andseven heavy metals.It is a well-known fact that the heavy metal ions are potentially toxic to human health and could be quite detrimental for human life. The study have revealed the pollution status for the area thatheavy metals, As, Cd, Cr andPbare present in slight excess to WHO limits especially after flood spell. While all thirteen physico-chemical parameters resultswere within WHO/EU limits. Hence the water quality of KeenjharLake is not directly potable without proper treatment.

Aijaz Panhwar, Shahid Bhutto, Uzma Rashid, Razia Begam, Yasir, M., Nusrat Jalbani, Sofia Qaiser and Gulzar H. Jhatial
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Physical Sciences and Engineering