Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Characterization and development of dietetic biscuits at base of the composite flours of taro (Colocasia esculenta/ corn in substituent sugar by Stévia (rébaudiana bertoni)

The objectives of this work were firstly to produce the flour containing taro (Colocasia esculenta , secondly to formulate and characterize the composite flours taro/corn and thirdly to work out and characterize dietetic biscuits at base flours composite of taro (Colocasia esculenta / corn and in substituent sugar by Stévia (rébaudiana Bertoni) The proportions of flours selected were following: flour of the type A (0 % taro -100 % corn), flour of the type B (15% taro - 85 % corn), of the flour of the type C (30 % taro - 70 % corn) and flour of the type D (45 % taro - 55 % corn). The results show that the moisture contents, of proteins and lipids of the flours of the composite flours containing taro/corn of type A, B, C and D vary respectively from 10.82 to 12.54 %, from 9.01 to 7.34 % and by 0.71 to 0.98 %. The moisture contents, of proteins and lipids of the flours decrease with the increase in the rate of incorporation of the flour taro. However, the ash contents and of glucides total increase with the rate of incorporation in flour of taro. The ash contents and of glucides total vary from 0.83 to 2.45 % and 76.64 to 79.63 % The caloric intake total (ACT) and the energy density (DE) of various formulations of biscuits are respectively 529.78 to 531.42 Kcal and by 401.35 to 402.59 Kcal / 100 g. the caloric intake total (ACT) and the energy density (DE) decreases with the contribution of the flour of taro. The sensory analysis of biscuits at base of the four (04) formulations of the composite flours A, B, C and D showed the satisfactory results as a whole.

Fanny Belgonde Ganongo-Po, Daniel Massamba, Bertrand Guelor Elongo, Karmelie Elore Malela, Jean Wilfrid Mayembo Mfoutou, Jean-Mathurin Nzikou and Joël Scher
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