Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Contribution a l’etude des feuilles de melia azedarach (l.) (meliaceae): evaluation de l’activite antiplasmodiale

Melia azedarach (L.) is a tropical plant. It isused for therapeuticpurposesaround the world, especially in India. Studies have been leaded on hisbiologicalactivities. However, they are few in number. Nowadays, there are more studies of its insecticide activity or itsantifungalactivitythan on its anti-plasmodialactivity. In ourstudy, the plant material (leaves) washarvestedfrom the experimentalgarden of useful plants at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontologyat the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar and dried in the laboratoryawayfrom the sun. Threeextractswere made (ethanolic, hexanic and dichloromethatonic). Thesethreeextractswereused to lead biologicalresearch. Anti-plasmodialactivity has been wellobserved in ourextracts in dissimilar proportions. First ethanolextract has a IC50 of 3.478 mg/ml on clinicalstrains, 2.038 mg/ml on the laboratorystrain "3D7" and a IC50 of 0.4174 mg/ml on the laboratorystrain "DD2". Next, hexanicextract has a IC50 of 2.758 mg/ml on clinicalstrains, a IC50 of 2.304 mg/ml on the "3D7" strain, and a IC50 of 1.761 mg/ml on the "DD2" strain. Finally, dichloromethaneextract has a IC50 of 2.335 mg/ml on clinicalstrains, 2.522 mg/ml on the "3D7" strain and a IC50 of 0.1620 mg/ml on the "DD2" layer. However, thisactivityismuchless power thanthat of pure moleculesknown to fight malaria. Indeed, the CI50s of ourthreeextracts are included in an order of magnitude of 10-3 g/ml against an order of magnitude of 10-10g/ml for chloroquine and artemisinin.

Kady Diatta Badji, William Diatta, Alioune Dior Fall, SerigneIbra Mbacké Dieng, Amadou Ibrahima Mbaye, Aida S Badiane, Jessica Layousse and Emmanuel Bassène
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Life Sciences