Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Analysis of the water quality characteristics of intawaogba river

This study examined the water quality characteristics and self-purification capacity of Intawaogba River. This was done by collecting samples from five (5) sampling points over 300m distance, analysing the physiochemical and heavy metal parameters (pH, Temperature, Salinity, TSS, Turbidity, DO, BOD, Colour, Phosphate, Sulphate, Lead and Iron). The physical parameters were analysed on site while the chemical parameters were analysed carefully in the laboratory. pH, Temperature, Turbidity, TSS, Salinity and Colour had the mean values of 6.10, 26.820C, 7.22mg/L, 39.60mg/L and 245.20PtCo respectively, while DO, BOD, Phosphate and Sulphate had mean values of 4.35mg/L, 2.39mg/L, 0.78mg/L and 6.67mg/L respectively. Heavy metals Lead and Iron had concentrations of <0.1mg/L and 0.63mg/L. The linear correlation statistics between water values and distances downstream further showed that four parameters (DO, pH, Turbidity and Iron) actually decreased with distances downstream with correlation values of -0.71; -0.71; -0.14 and -0.75 respectively; showing evidences of self-purification. The other parameters (BOD, Salinity, Colour, TSS, Phosphate and Sulphate) increased with distance downstream having correlations values of 0.22; 0.69; 0.65; 0.51; 0.88 and 0.81 respectively; indicating a high correlation values The experimental results indicated that DO and Turbidity in the river actually exceeded the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) permissible limit for surface water. The researchers call for more stringent law on waste discharge into the Intawaogba river and closer monitoring of its water quality.

UGBEBOR, John Nwenearizi and OYINLOYE, Adetayo
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